This game has an awful story with awful dialouge. But at least the gameplay is really addicting. Unlike most other FPS games, this one is less focused on shooting demons till hey die, it's more focused on wanting you to get the fastest times on the stages. That alone makes it standout from other games in the genre. While I didn't like the story, I will say that the voice acting is spot on especially te VA for White and the game gave me Persona 5 vibes with the aestetic and the end of mission animation. This is a game you shouldn't miss.

Played the game with people on a discord server and it was a blast trying to weasel everyone to kill the wrong person or trying to find the imposter. Wouldn't mind playing it again.

I have a weird Relationship with shooters that aren’t Halo. Whenever I play a shooter there will be one point where I will just not play it for a while or not play it at all. Half-Life: Made it to Forget about Freeman and just didn’t have the urge to go back to it. Doom (2016): Played about 3 hours and didn’t have the urge to pick it back up. Halo was the only one that I was able to gravitate towards with its calm orchestrated music and more strategic combat. UltraKill is a shooter that when I learned there was a DMC-like Style Rating I knew I was in for a good time. Each Weapon is fun to use with the Charge shot of the Piercer Revolver, the magnet of the Attractor Nail Gun, and the Ricochet shots with the Marksman Revolver just to name a few. The Control you have with V1 is great with the dash, ground slam, parry, and wall jump making you move like an angel. You have this risk reward mechanic where if you go closer to the enemy and shoot him you can regain health by getting smeared with the enemy's blood. The puzzles, while simple, still give your brain the dopamine to continue, and the story is quite interesting with you going further into hell and all of humanity is dead.

This game is based with friends like holy shit

This is the most fun I had with a arcade styled game.

This was such a sweet little game. It's not all that long, you can beat the story in about an hour. What makes the game is the heart in the gameplay and story. The point of the game is that you are grabbing many friends to help build the best town in Legend of Hero, so that you're sister can play. You defeat carboard monsters, do quest, and build your town up. Underneath the childhood fun, there are messages about overworking, responsibility, and what it means not being with the person that made those memories special. NGL y'all I cried so hard at the ending, both cause it was well done and it's a little #relatable. play this game, one of the sleeper hits of 2022.

This game was gifted by a friend and I gotta say, this was a fun time. The controls are easily the best part of the game with me slide jumping all over the place and using the high jump to get to places, such a satisfying moveset. The areas are really big to the point that before I got the map I was confussed on where to go next, but as soon as you get the map it's no longer a problem. I'm not gonna be jumping over the hills to play this every now and again, but it's a pretty fun metroidvania. Not much to say with this one.

Even after having more knowledge on what to do and after all the patches this expansion got. It's still fine. Sonic is still Sonic in this game, Amy is basically just another Sonic with a glide ability attached to her, knuckles is more fun to control after the patch, but still feels finikky to me, tails is the most broken character with the Tornade, wrench at max power, it's insane. The Cyberspace stages were more engaging in the expansion then in Base Frontiers, but they have their bullshit moments. Guardians are ampt up to crack cocaine levels, at least Ghost is actually fun to fight. The Boss Rush sucks, like any game with a Boss Rush. I still really like the Final Boss. It's just more Frontiers with a lot holding it back.

This is a weird game for me. I really like the yakuza series gameplay a good majority of the time, but this one is probably the worst and/or weakest one next to 3. I found Brawler to be unremarkable, Gunner was too simple for my liking and realistically the most overpowered style in the game, Wild Dancer is one I used for half the game, but after that it felt to weak. Sword Fighter was my go to style for the 2nd half of the game, as it is the most well balanced and has the blocking ability. The Bosses in this game were really annoying to deal with. I found them to be bullet sponges that take a long time to deal with. But the biggest problem I have with the Game is the Trooper system. The Trooper System is cool in theory, giving you boost to your stats for a limited time, but the problem is that they are tied to almost everything stat wise and it dosen't help that Health Upgrades give you an atom size increase. But this game isn't all bad, I liked the story a lot in this game with twists and characters I didn't expect, the game is really good looking, they don't show the penis in the bathhouse fight, and the music slaps. Just a game that has more style then substance overall.

somehow both better and worse then Megaman DOS. better cause it's somewhat less bs but also has BS. Another one of the worst games ever made.

This was fine, played it once with friends and never again. I may have fallen off Smash Ultimate, but I rather boot that up then this.

Sonic's Story
Sonic Controls fine, Tails is fine, Knuckles is bad, the bosses are not that good, Elise is not a bad character, but there's not much to her. The Stages are well designed. And the Story is fine, and I don't mind the relationship of Sonic and Elise. it's just there. 5/10
Silver's Story
Silver Controls Fine, Blaze is one of the better contorling characters, Amy is a piece of shit, The Bosses are not that good, Crisis City, Tropical Jungle, Wave Ocean, and Radical Train are good stages, Dusty Desert is bad. The Story has some cringy moments. 2-3/10
Shadow's Story
Shadow and omega are good to control, Rouge is one the low end, the bosses are sometimes fun, the levels are well designed, and the story is well told and really puts Shadow's Character into perspective with what Mephi8les is trying to do to him. 6-7/10
The Music is a banger, the game does run at 1280x720 and targets 60 FPS, but the textures look blurry, and the game chugs, the S ranks are easy to cheese in the stages.
Final Story
The End of the World is not as bad as I remember, THe Kiss is uneccesary, but I love that scene, the music that plays in that scene is amazing, the Solaris boss is the best one in the game and the ending is one I like.

This was not the worst Megaman game I was expecting. There are problems with this game, but it's not something to freak out over. It's biggest problem is that the classic games are on the Switch and the Steam Deck. So there is almost no point to playing it now

it's a good collection but man those missions made me want to kill myself and there are other ways to play this game in widescreen, but this collection isn't offensive.