This was such a fun time. Final Fantasy soundtracks are some of the best music in all of video games and I enjoyed Melody of Memories when I played it. Needless to say this is one of my new favorite rhythm games, songs I love to play too like all the VII songs, XV's OST, etc. Gameplay that isn't easy on standard, since you need to activley pay attention to what is going on. I will definitly keep playing this game for awhile.

This was such a fun time. The class system is still pretty fun and customizable. the bosses were fun to fight, most of the dungeons were fun to go through. But the later dungeons like the crystal tower weren't that fun to go through and I think some of the bosses require certain classes and it ruins the fun of the class system, but other then that this was fun.

This game is better then OG RE4. The game is really pretty even at 1080P. The controls are probobly the main reason I prefer this over the original. The story is an actual story. Ashley is a character,. Luis is the best character in this game. There are sections that were a slog in the original that have been removed. I do think that the merchant quest aren't that fun. There were moments where I would be cornored and would be moments where I would get comboed to death, and the controls felt a bit sluggish. But Overall a great remake.

I cried at the end of this game. The combat is the same as Xenoblade 3 with it's own little flare to it. The new characters I love, Especially A. The world felt new and fimiliar at the same time. The Bosses were fun in this. The new music slaps. I still think Torna is the better story expansion/game, but this is a close second.

it's a good collection but man those missions made me want to kill myself and there are other ways to play this game in widescreen, but this collection isn't offensive.

This is a weird game for me. I really like the yakuza series gameplay a good majority of the time, but this one is probably the worst and/or weakest one next to 3. I found Brawler to be unremarkable, Gunner was too simple for my liking and realistically the most overpowered style in the game, Wild Dancer is one I used for half the game, but after that it felt to weak. Sword Fighter was my go to style for the 2nd half of the game, as it is the most well balanced and has the blocking ability. The Bosses in this game were really annoying to deal with. I found them to be bullet sponges that take a long time to deal with. But the biggest problem I have with the Game is the Trooper system. The Trooper System is cool in theory, giving you boost to your stats for a limited time, but the problem is that they are tied to almost everything stat wise and it dosen't help that Health Upgrades give you an atom size increase. But this game isn't all bad, I liked the story a lot in this game with twists and characters I didn't expect, the game is really good looking, they don't show the penis in the bathhouse fight, and the music slaps. Just a game that has more style then substance overall.

What a step up from Halo 1, this game doesn't feel dated, good level desing, fun weapons, and Arbitor is best boi.

it was good, not great. Music was a downgrade from 3, No daul Wielding, the pacing is not that good cause of going from action pack mission to traveling the city as Rookie, Mickey can DIE. But this is Halo 3 gameplay, I liked all the other characters. I would say taht so far this is the weakest Halo game.

Sly 1, it's good, but 1/3rd of the game is vehicle segments which are pace breakers and the aiming sensitivity is either to low or to high and the bosses are too easy and never pair for a challenge with the exception of Clockwork and the soundtrack isn't that memorable or standout to me, but the controls are light and floaty and the mechanics are well used. overall I give it a B ranking or a 7/10.

Still one of my favorite games of all time. Learned a lot more playing this game on Hard Mode.

This is one of the most addicting games I have ever played. There are some minigames I don't enjoy like Tip-Toe, Snowy Scrap, Stomping Grounds, etc. But the fun stuff with friends is some of the most fun I ever had with them. Will continue to play it.

I lowkey kind of suck at Pikmin, but I do think that it's a good game. The bosses are really bad though with the Emperior Bulblax being the standout example, the pikmin can be really stupid and annoying to deal with, and I think that 30 days is a little to geniourus. But I will say that the Game looks really good for a Gamecube launch title, the puzzles were fun to deal with, I love planning out the day, and it's somehow really addicting to go back to it to get further into fixing your ship. But like I said I suck at Pikmin. Pray to god that Pikmin 2 is not bad like I think it is.

Such a music video of a video game. At least the song is a bop.

This is tied for my favorite game of all time.

Story-The Story may be not that good but I don't really mind cause personally I think Sonic Stories aren't that important overall.

Graphics-I played the game on PC and it was beautiful. Better then on 360 and PS3 where it runs at 800X720P at 30FPS

Soundtrack-BEST SONIC SOUNDTRACK. I don't care if it's a bunch of remixes. NO BAD SONG. (Standouts: Sky Sanctuary Act 1, City Escape Act 1, Rooftop Run Act 2)

Gameplay-Sonic has never controlled better. Classic Sonic may not have the physics of the classics games but it's still fun. The Spindash is too OP and it's exciting. Modern Sonic is at his best in this game (If we're talking the Boost Formula games). His drift is at it's peak, the homing attack is on the same button as the jump button which is a god send. The level design is timeless making this my most replayed Sonic game.

Bosses- I like all these bosses except the Time Eater. My favorites are Metal Sonic, Perfect Chaos, and Silver. They are all in my top 10 Sonic Bosses.

S ranks- arguably the easiest S ranks in the series. You don't have to do anything special except not die.

Endgame- It's the low point of the game but I really like the final cutscene and if the series ended there I would be content.

Conclusion-Peak of the Sonic game don't @ me.

Great time I just wished it had more boards.