136 Reviews liked by BSCTcram

Usually, the "good" sequel is just the first game with "more" on almost everything.

But I would say that TotK is not just a good second part, but excellent as it not only improves most of the aspects but also introduces new and fun gameplay mechanics, that basically affect most of the game.

So it not only gives you "more" world, and "more" weapons/armor, but changes the core part, and basically gives you the pretty much same feeling of exploration as BotW did before.

I personally think that a good open-world game should encourage you to explore its surroundings. And the excellent open-world game should also give you a new feeling of doing that.

And for me personally, TotK definitely does it.

i finished this game in two sittings feeling very weird about it. It felt like I had just played it recently. Opened the game in Desmume and low and behold I had back in March. This game isn't bad by any means. I had a lot of fun with it even on an accidental second run. It's just really forgettable.

Incredible game with incredible characters, story and music.

Some of my favorite world building in any media. Yoko Taro is a genius.

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+ Kirby's first real jump to 3D!
+ Unique levels that make each world feel special
+ Kirby controls nicely
+ Each copy ability feels different enough so that there's a decent variety in gameplay
+Copy ability upgrades were nice as they added an incentive to collect the coins and stars
+ Mouthful keeps the game interesting, out of all the gimmicks in modern Kirby, this is my second favorite
+ The capsules were good side collectables, adding the gacha machine was nice because I didn't have to play through the same levels over and over to get the missing statues.
+ Waddle Dee hub world is cute
+ Unforgettable OST
+ Eldritch horror final boss as always
+ Big. Rig. Kirby.
- The amount of abilities in this game is a little underwhelming
- I would have preferred if the game was a little more open
- Needed more mid-bosses
- Meta Knight was sidelined :(
Review: Easily one of the best Kirby games out there. Mouthful mode and ability upgrades make the game standout from other Kirby games. Kirby made a very smooth jump to 3D, I just hope the next game let's us explore a little more. Absolutely loved the bosses and the story presented here, great Kirby game!

Only time I played this was when my parents let me play in some "daycare" playground thing at a mall while they were shopping for something and after I got bored with the game I went in the jungle gym where I ripped my pants and then had to walk around the mall with a hole between my legs for the rest of the day.

8 year old me didn't fuck around when it came to those minigames and then proceeded to bawl her little eyes out at the ending. 23 year old me is now worse at video games but still cries at this game. that's character development

lightyears better than the first title: the difficulty curve is more linear and the puzzles now fit the context of the plot, and the story is very interesting although it doesn't make much sense

Never thought a lamp could make me emotional. Shoutout to Twitter/X user datcravat

sniffles. the power of friendship really can solve everything. well that and the best dog in the world

this is one of the best games of all time ever :)

it genuinely has so much soul and spirit (haha) and love put into it. the music is insane and exceptional and please capcom release it dear god - the characters ar evibrant and full of life (apart form maybe the ghosts...), it's truly just the most excellent. i wasn't expecting to feel SO MUCH but OH GOD I SURE DID

this game is an absolute treasure, and you should definitely check it out <3

shu takumi never misses ever this is literally peak fiction

It's kind of wild that this guy who joined Capcom as a planner and whose first directing gig was Dino Crisis 2 also happened to turn out to be one of the better writers of video games we've ever had.

This has one solid leg up on Ace Attorney and that's pacing - despite this game being one large "case" I find the pacing in this to be much tighter and more thought out than even the best Ace Attorney cases, even if those could have higher highs.

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Missile is somehow one of the best written characters I've seen recently and I'm not joking.