this game is so messy and all over the place in quality it fucking HURTS man lmfao. highest of highs, lowest of lows, and nowhere inbetween

on the positives before i do a case by case breakdown:
- pacing is SO good, 2 days becomes the standard for a reason
- very little fluff or filler in cases
- the two good mysteries are really fucking solid
- great world building and lore additions
- phoenix gets a much more defined personality
- generally great charas as always
- great writing FOR THE MOST PART
- apart from like one or two songs, fantastic soundtrack and maybe the most underrated in the series tbh

- 4 cases feels a little short
- the lack of an overarching plot sucks tbh
- the bad characters are VERY bad
- i love franziska but she really does only properly go from good to amazing right at da end of the game sadly
- you can 100% tell how rushed the script was for this game in comparison to how solid 1 and 3 are
- inconsistent quality of cases

ok case by case basis time! 1 didnt get it cause it was consistent mostly

first case sucks; amnesia is stupid and doing it just to make it a tutorial for new players is stinky! and the case is annoying. but at least it gave us richard wellington's big bananas which is great

second case!! better than i remembered. like. significantly. gets better every time i replay it. great lore additions, great character drama, great mystery, fun witnesses and killer, great breakdown

bro has it all. why did i ever think this was mid filler!!

turnabout big top is the worst case in the series. even without the paedophilia. it's just a mystery that makes no sense with annoying characters. also everyone's a fucking paedo. it's bad. it's so bad. it never gets better. it never will. this was a mistake. it drags down a good game!!! it's so fucking dogshit!!! it's worthless and it's bad and i think it's so goddamn awful!!!! raging. anyone who wants to drop the series because of this case i totally can understand. i dont see any positives in this.

thankfully though theres something good acomin.....

2-4 is peak. 2-4 is a top 2 case in the series. 2-4 has a great mystery, the best twists in the series, great character writing and development, a new level of darkness, great comedy, great EVERYTHING

it's peak. it's so peak. shame it and 2-2 are stuck with 2-1 and 2-3

overall JFA is a fantastic game dragged down into being one of the messiest games I've ever played, and such a hard experience to rate. deffo the weakest of the trilogy for sure, all thanks to 2-1 and 2-3.

the repetition of routes really really really ruins this otherwise beautiful masterpiece of a game

I'll think of route E and its literal perfection though until the day I die

i zone out during the story for these games but i get to do funny kills

i weirdly find hitman games super zen and perfect to play when im sleepy ???

absurd how shu takumi and the gang fucking nailed it first time round

docking half a star solely because the pacing's still not quite perfected yet, like it is in later games

but god this game, and series, is peak

just a charming delight of a game !!

i hate sticky platforms, a lot of the dlc is overtuned, the single player modes suck, i wish the game had landing lag on aerials, and i wish isabelle and ganon were good

but this game is an absolute love letter to game history and to Nintendo, and it's so fun to play competitively with friends. it's incredible how they managed to cram so many stages and characters and songs into one game. i love this game a lot, and respect it even more

does it look bad? yes quite often. does it run like garbage? constantly. is it one of the worst games ive played in forever on a technical level? 300%

but holy shit it's so fun, and the writing is so good, and the designs are so good, and idk i just love pokémon man

if this was a finished game it'd be a contender for the best but whoops Lol

Kaname Date My Beloathed [Affectionate]

This review contains spoilers

this was the first ever game to make me cry, so i had VERY high expectations for it upon a revisit

so mark my disappoint about this replay when i liked it but didnt love it, and worse of all didnt cry at the ending (despite being much more open about my emotions). i think this just comes from having more media literacy though, and while the ending IS still emotional to me it hits a lot less hard when i've seen this kinda story of lost romance so much more often. i think if anton was introduced earlier and katia did more it'd have hit harder, tho the diary entries did help a bit. and id be lying if i said that the ending theme, iris, didnt still get me emotional as hell, even if not tear levels.

in many ways this is a better game than curious village. better puzzle variety, a better difficulty curve, a more interesting hook with a larger scope. very varied locales. great antagonist. SWORD FIGHT IS SO COOL. the final puzzle using a ds gimmick the rest of the game doesnt??? what the FUCK that's genuinely rad and inventive, and i felt like a genius working it out again just before writing this review lmao

but i do think the final reveals arent as well set up, the pacing is weird and all over the place, the photo pieces quest is just padding and backtracking and it SUCKS SO BAD, and poor. poor flora. she deserved better. why was she in this game? why was don paolo here??? i love paolo but like,,,, unnecessary tbh. and these issues do kinda cancel out those positives for me.

overall still a good time, but i do prefer curious village slightly more. next up is my fave in the series, and the one that has a final cutscene that always makes me cry.

tldr; good nostalgia trip but this game doesnt hold up for me personally, i like it but wish i loved it

mad that they nailed the series first try

dark souls is the kuru kuru kururin of gaming

not as good as the original but i still love it a lot

twist doesn't work on paper but in execution it did for me

ryuki is my little meow meow

almost a perfect game and easily one of my fave games on the switch. between this and AM2R for my favourite Metroid

perfect controls, looks gorgeous, is hard as hell, great boss fights (finally!), great map design and I liked the story

wish the music was better (it's Fine, it's functional), wish the lava didn't look so bad, and also I did the speed boost input wrong and that's not my fault nothing's ever my fault

GOATed game ngl

normally I only review games here immediately after beating them but I'm making an exception here. and I'm also not really reviewing Undertale, but instead I'm going to share a personally story I wrote up on Twitter in 2019 for the anniversary of the game in which I discussed what this game means to me and why it's probably the most important game I've ever played?

apologies for the self indulgence!


one of the best games ever made imo and one that means a lot to me. first time I played it it hit me hard emotionally along with making me laugh and just giving me a blast of a time to some fantastic music

a couple years later I wasn't playing it but I was going through an identity crisis. I had broken one of the "rules" I had lived my life by and tied to my identity. that combined w other depression issues put me in a rut and I genuinely didn't know who I was at all

and then I saw the "Despite everything, it's still you" scene again and it wrecked me. I remember non stop crying as I remembered this game and remembered this message. and this alone was enough to help me out of that depressed rut. it was enough to help me start accepting myself again. the first step of many

in 2019, I finally replayed the game on switch. and I cried and I laughed and I adored it again. and I know that next time I replay it'll be the exact same

every time I listen to the original version of the song Undertale, I still tear up. every time

this is my 2nd, maybe 3rd, favourite game of all time. this game changed my perspective of self and taught me to not be so hard on myself. to accept that even through all my hardships, through my mistakes, through everything in life, that

Despite everything, it's still me.

and that's beautiful.

like i said in my hitman 2 review these are just good sleepy games to chill to weirdly

i save scum a lot.