MGS3 is Kojimas finest

Behind Snatcher of course.

Top 5 game of all time for me

If FFXV was as good as it’s fishing mini game this would be the greatest game of all time.

Favorite MP game from PS4 generation.

I have kept coming back to this game for multiple consoles and every time I get sucked into it. It’s a top 10, top 5 game of all time for me. No stress just farming.

What an amazingly done remaster. It was everything and more I remembered. Unfortunately ran out of gas towards the end of ME3… as did the story as well it seems.

MW’s MP level up/prestige system was a watershed moment and changed everything

I was playing AC:O around the time we were trying to conceive our first child. The wife and I made an agreement the consolation prize if we hadn’t had a kid we would go to Greece that summer.

Eleanor was born that fall. Greece would have been nice but it doesn’t compare at all to my homie.

This game cheated like a mother fucker on Veteran

Hayek was the last memorable AC lead for me.

Unbelievable but will never match TLOU. They did Abby dirty… hard to feel for her regardless of her back story.