Put the controller down, it's not worth it...

Stupidly high quality for the price of free. It saddens me that because they choose to go with a copyrighted material, they aren't able to make profit of it and make more of this.


The first time I picked this up, I gave up cuz it was very annoying to find the key that you needed for the next level, if something takes me like an hour to find then I am done dude. Second playthrough however, things clicked better, I was able to use the map more efficiently than previously... there were still some annoying parts of the game, but it's nothing a guide can solve!

I guess the thing that puts this game down is how damn ambicious it is, seriously, how the hell are you supposed to play this with N64 controllers!?

Overall, movement is fantastic, a lot of fun weapons to use and platforming on a fps.

Amazing game, sadly it's very short... It is clearly Nintendo testing the waters/showing off for the next 3d mario game on "Switch 2"

Only a few games managed to be constantly unique and fun, this game right here is one of them. Now, the first game I ever played was Mario Bros on the NES, I liked the game but I was too young and bad to enjoy it to it's fullest potential. So a few years later my parents get me an SNES with a master piece called Super Mario World, a game that I finished... way too many times. So as you can imagine, Super Mario Wonder brings those memories back, and I smiled like an idiot while playing. I liked everything about this game, it's visuals, music, level design, rooster (minus yoshi being easy mode) and even the boss fights!

I really hope Nintendo goes crazier with it's creativity, cause this is what 2d mario fans have been asking for, for a bit.

Short and sweet game, about a man that was arrested for a crime he didn't commit!

Overall, a neat stealth game that doesn't take itself seriously so expect to laugh a few times, my grudge with it is that it can be a bit of a chore to figure a puzzle out sometimes.

Wish I had gotten much earlier in to this game.

It felt like there was just a bit more from before, and for Nintenfo standards... it's just bland. Luigi's dlc did felt refreshing with the difficulty and having to finish a level within 100 seconds.

Played this before Super Mario Wonder, so I can truly appreciate that game when it comes out.

I have to play more JRPGS man, lots of positive's things to point out of this, tho also some annoyances. First off, the voice acting is a neat addition and the fast paced combat (for a turn based rpg) is pretty fantastic! never got bored of it, the characters were also pretty good and I actually cared about them. Art style is the major reason for picking this one up because it reminded me of Pokémon Black/White, with a touch of medieval fantasy. My downsides for this game are minor, like there is a part where it drags a bit (slaying and using the cubes) and how convoluted some of the side quests were. Overall... underrated asf.

Absolutely insane that this game came out at the year 2004, Half Life 2 is so far ahead of it's time that it's still better than many games that come out today!

The pacing is so fantastic that there is never a dull/boring moment throughout the game, everything is so interesting to look at and the variety of things you do is fun as hell. Now the game does lack music but in exchange we get background music that whenever you hear it, you know sh*t's about to get real. The story telling and voice acting is also great, there are many themes that this game has which will keep you excited for what's next to come.

Did not expected to like the game as much as I did, tho it crashed a total of 3 times when entering the next room/area (Nintendo Switch), Pretty decent game.

"If you are trying to reach a level that you have not yet cleared, then you will have to start the story from the beginning and work your way through again" for a game with multiple endings... this stinks.

Alright so I finally got the urge to play this game since it inspired many games that I love and many people praised the hell out of this since forever, so I was a bit skeptical that it would make me have high expectations for it and ultimately not enjoy the game. Lo and behold, I loved the game! Now I can definitely say that this game is not perfect, it has multiple flaws that are reasonable to call out. However, this game is so unique that for me personally those flaws didn't matter (although completely understandable if it's a major bother for you).

Let's start with the good stuff, at the beginning this game may look bland but the more you progress, the more you are going to notice how well designed this game truly is. Combat is also a bit slow at the beginning since you start without your team members, the pacing gets much faster when you get to each and one of them. Once you get all of them, things get more interesting and the design of combat starts to make sense, those moments were the enemy lands a mortal attack can be very intense for a turn-based RPG, and it's up to you to strategize and not die. The health rolling mechanic is genius since it is what makes the fights more fun and also the number of abilities all of the characters have. Talking about the characters, they all have their quirks, some of them are more resistant than others, stronger physically/magically, one of them doesn't even use magic but instead can fix broken items and use them infinitely in battle. The music is marvelous, I can't believe that there are so many bangers in this soundtrack and even soundtracks that you are only going to listen to once! absolutely insane. Another awesome thing is that you are never going to predict what is going to happen next in this game and that keeps you so intrigued that it makes you want to play more. Sense of progression has never been done so beautifully, walking to previous enemies and seeing them run away from you because you've become stronger... feels amazing, obtaining the sanctuaries was some of the most rewarding experiences ever, one-shotting enemies because you are just that strong, it's stuff you normally don't experience in videogames, with this one clearly respecting your time. One of the best things for me however would be how positive the world is on this game. You feel like everyone on Earthbound is by your side to defeat a greater evil and there are so many moments where the charm and personality of background characters shine so many times.

There is so much greatness on this game that I have not mentioned, it would take me a bit too long to finish this if I keep mentioning the good stuff.

So, onto the bad stuff, buying items can be a chore since you have to buy 1 item at a time, not only that but the space you have is limited and it can be a bit overwhelming since you don't know which items are truly useful to keep and which not. The difficulty spike can be pretty insane, not all of the time but my God WHY CAN THEY SUDDENLY DESTROY ME. If you get a game over, reviving all of your team is a literal chore, needing to have money on you and go to the hospital and revive them ONE by ONE.

That's it for me, even with its flaws I still think that it is a must play for an SNES game. If you are having trouble with the game, just keep going, you got this! don't miss out on this cause an area is difficult, you'll get stronger!

I am not the biggest fan of Collectathon games (don't dislike them, just not my cup of tea) but this game was the exception to that cup. Got 99% on the game because the world design was so well done that I wanted to explore every nook and cranny and the humor is also well done, found myself laughing out loud multiple times. I did feel like the jumping for a platformer was a bit of a miss... idk it just feels limited jumping on this game. This game does remind me of Crash Twinsanity, it made me a bit sad for that game since this awesome game could have easily been a Crash game, tho not to take credit away from this game since you get a completely different vibe from Jak and Daxter.

If there is any game similar to this (apart from the sequels) let me know!

Probably the best way to modernize a game from the 90's. The art style looks insanely beautiful, it's crazy that this game is entirely hand drawn. Combat on this game is so stylish, smooth and satisfying accompanied by the amount of unique enemies and 80's/90's music.

Now although this game is amazing, it's sadly short but still very replayable, now excuse me while I finish the game with all of the characters!