Super fun, great music, cool new characters! Wasn't very fond of the story though. Kinda felt like it was re-treading the first game's.

Fun as always, but the story wasn't as interesting as I would've liked...

Story is a little bit lacking imo, but Royal fixes that.

Love the cast of this game so much!

I only rated it so low because it's a stripped down version of the PS2 version. Didn't know this until I was like 2/3 of the way through the game and am still annoyed about it.

Never before have I experienced sunk-cost fallacy like this.

Actually a pretty damn good fanservice game to anyone who's a fan of the main games.

Contrary to popular belief, this game isn't all that bad actually. I found the story to be super enticing with how it tells a kind of story that could never be told through the other games. The characters are fun, the gameplay is fun, and the music is on point as always.

Incredible story, even better than the first one. Amazing cast of characters that never fail at enhancing the atmosphere!

This was the first visual novel I had ever played, and I maintain that it's one of the best games I've ever played.