The greatest Abyss fiction you’ve ever played.

It’s like that one arc in some Shonen anime where they bring back all the old villains, except it’s significantly less cool then you’d thought it would be.

9 out of 10 doctors recommend DQ7 as a treatment for insomnia.

The 12 million typos add to the charm, I swear.

It’s almost impressive how these games manage to have 5x the amount of dialogue of other games and yet have absolutely none of it be interesting in any way.

Considered the greatest, most tear-inducing piece of media of all time by people who only consume Nintendo games.

Pretty good if you like the ‘game’ part of video games.

Roughly 80% of this game is spent doing meaningless filler before heading to Atlantis, where we learn about the main objective of our heroes, some 20 hours after we already learned about the main objective of our heroes in the beginning parts of the game.

The tale of how I accidentally captured the entire world and got tried for war crimes I didn’t know I committed.

An SMT game for people who don’t care for story or mythology, and just want to punch God and Satan in the face using the press turn system(So most SMT fans, really)

It’s like FE3 but the plot is a little less stupid.

Even people who act like this game killed their grandmother can’t stop talking about it, so it(and maybe FE as a whole tbh) is kinda like a drug that slowly destroys your body, but it’s so addictive you can’t stop taking it.

Instead of making a faithful remake of FE3, Intelligent Systems decided to make a good video game instead.

I need you to understand that this game is so terrible that even those annoying oldschool Megaten fans that haven’t liked anything Atlus has made since the fucking PlayStation 2 think this game is garbage.

FE fans claim to dislike the predatory system of gatcha games, and yet they badmouth the victims of such crippling gambling addictions, such as our lord and savior Makalov… Suspicious.