You wanna play with your Mario games?
I had a big raims is a big taims
'Cause Mario might be super
But I'm super duper
With a big tuper
'Cause no ones going to hit it like me
'Cause Mario has a big C
But I got the A+ on that test because it's a big mess
Mario might be a super m-er man
But I'm going to have a big tan
He might have went to the past and'mm to the future
But I'm gonna make a
New game how to nuture
Man, the Mario can't play like that T-Dub's, on the may
Man, you want to hit it down with the big town
Man, you can't be like the big brown
My boy Emula, he has insemula
Man Seth and Emula, once they get together they're gonna be the team
Of the mean
You see my boy Seth he can rap like the Meth
That's on the test
Man, you can't even hit it with the big mess
Man, you can't beat 'em because he's gonna see 'em
Man, you gonna hit it down with the big town, I'm gonna make it round
I had a big town in the A-Town

Raphael is still the best turtle btw

Something something mushrooms are drugs ahahahahaha laugh

Never before has a game's story embodied "white people shit" more

THIS is white people shit

Wouldn't be a Sonic game if you could skip the credits

Thanks for ruining the internet fuckhead

Finally, this game contains the gameplay innovation the Arkham series was lacking

The ability to hit women


Spider-bite hurt! Hurt, spider-bite!