I wish animals irl had frame rate drops.

I wish I got a robot when I caress my thighs. Instead it just makes my youth pastor mad.

I would simply choose to not die, but that's just me.

"I'm da jokah, baby" - Goro Majima

This game is like going to Kindergarten except when it's the second semester, your teacher will randomly start trying to shank you and all you have for defense are you tiny 5 year old hands.

I enjoyed my time with it, and really enjoyed the characters! This is the worst Persona game and needs a remake so bad. People who say otherwise are blinded by nostalgia.

Very interesting variety of doors. Really enjoyed this door simulator. The bonus zombie mode was fun too I guess.

Fun to bust out at parties if you feel like having your friends respect you less.

I wish they went to the dimension where my parents weren't divorced.

That ending was abrupt and I felt like they wanted to do more. Either way I had fun, will cry again.

Good game to play when your parents are getting a divorce.

Nintendo should've threatened Danny Devito's life if that's what would take to get him to be Pikachu.

Am I the only one who understands the complexity of this technologically ambitious masterpiece? This game isn't stupid, you're stupid.

Why do they think we like arena fighters so much. Who keeps buying these.