It's cringe dogshit, but it is the best cringe dogshit I've ever played. Somehow this works on every level. If you look on the outside with awful cutscenes like Goofy dying it's hard to get into the game. Once you play it though, you just get it. That music hits my heart everytime I hear it. I cried to the intro the first time I played the game. One of those games where it doesn't make sense on how it's one of the best games ever, but it just is.

Played this game half of my life, it still has broken gameplay and glitches from the beginning of the game. Give this to anyone besides Ubi and it's a classic. Old R6 was broken, but at least it was fun. Nowadays it's just awful.

I love this game so much. So many ways to play it, and while there are a lot of ways to play it's easy to fuck up on certain areas, I love that though. Every character is interesting in their own way, and when you have to learn their personalities, ideas, and you actually pay attention to give yourself a personality and/or learn something about the overall story makes this game easy to zip through and pay attention to. The voice you talk to has to have some of my favorite dialogue in a game. The political commentary(Idk how rare it is), but how you have to think on how you have to get by in your best way is great. You can have any politcal view and the game challenges you no matter what view you have. The character within will remember what options you chose as well. Everything about this game is so highly thought of executed to perfection. Always keep a level up available if you don't want to be stuck. Checking the trophies too I didn't expect to see more socialist playing the game than anyone else, hell yeah though.

Happy I played this interesting game before it completely died

If you don't understand the mountain take shrooms.
If you are on shrooms and you understand the mountain, don't let the mountain win.

I struggle finishing bad games. powpowpowpowpowpowpowpowpow.

This review contains spoilers

I loved the game's story and some characters I think are incredible and the best in the franchise, like fortune. I also love how you can see how Raiden is trapped in his own psychosis throughout the game. Really impressive body of work that turned my view of Metal Gear on it's head, true masterpiece.

I played both version. The original and the remaster. The controls in the original are fucking awful and the game is so much more fun and cleaner to play in the remaster. I played and 100% the remaster before even playing the original, smart decisions all around.

The pros of the game can also be cons. You can do whatever you want. One of the best if not best sandbox game of all time. The cons= you can do whatever you want that means fnaf rp servers. Not the game's fault, but it can definitely get boring after playing for a little bit.

I'm gonna keep it so real I played very little of this game, but I do not want to play anymore. I am so bored of Mid Gear.

Edit: Ok Since I love Kojima and I love MGS I watched the story and cutscenes, I'm still not playing it, but I can respect Kojima being so bluntly socialist in this game. You can also have gay sex, when is that not awesome.

Absolutely incredible. every aspect of this game is incredible. It takes itself serious enough to make a good storyline and yet doesn't take it self serious at all. You can throw a grenade into a gator's mouth and it will explode like a cartoon. The music is incredible, the graphics hold up, the r1 gimmic durring cutscenes can give you a better feeling for Snake, can be hilarious, or anything else. Every boss is incredible and unique. The camoflage gimmick is very fun to mess around with, and all the different ways you can play this games makes an easy 10/10, masterpiece on all fronts.