I like the concept, mood, characters, and even some of the new soundtrack, but god is this game clunky and a chore at the end in the SEBEC route. It's actually not as grindy as people say UNTIL you reach the last dungeon. May not sound like a super deal breaker but it really highlights how slow the game is. Also, be ready to grind for an extra 4 hours if you want to equip the character's ultimate personae.

I know people consider this taboo, but read the manga or watch a playthrough if you are interested.

One of the better Persona spinoffs.
Fun, simple gameplay with a nice touch of complexity, though level design is very samey.

The story is actually pretty nice, but I wish it would've ended in the third chapter to make it a more personal story akin to P4 awakenings rather than shoving some deity/greater power like other Persona spinoffs for the sake of tradition.

As an Etrian Odyssey fan, I kinda liked this game at first, but then it became a chore to play thanks to the annoying enemies and repetitive mazes (the third one being the worst) and lack of skill space. Interesting in concept, but the execution leaves a lot to be desired. The sequel did fix a lot of the issues, but not all of them, sadly.

(Abandoned bc I lost my copy but I'd probably have it shelved if I still had it).

A decently working game that just can't compare to the original ideas the devs had. Truly a shame.

A fantastic satire of late-stage capitalism. Definitely not for everyone, but damn, it keeps you engaged with great and charming characters.

I could feel my brain grow as I played this.

Despite all the flaws, I still find this to be such a great Zelda game to immerse myself in.

One of the better gacha in my opinion. Decent storyline and gameplay, though sometimes the maps were borderline ludicrous.

The job system is fantastic, and the characters are pretty fun, but it drags ever so slightly and the progression doesn't feel as rewarding at times.


Probably not as fun today due to how derivative it seems, but underneath is a decently working game with a couple of nice challenges. Just be careful of the difficulty spikes.

A fantastic party/competitive game.

Visually stunning. A game everyone should play at least once.

A disappointingly unfinished product. It's still pretty decent at first glance, but the omission of features from previous games leaves a lot to be desired.

Amazingly fun. The camera recording effect, while an understandable stylistic choice, gets old quick. Just a minute nitpick tho.