An incredible title. Considering the age of the game everything about it is impressive. It manages to pull off what many games today can not.

The story was great, and the bosses and enemies were fun. The ending was awesome. The only thing keeping this from perfect for me is some questionable design choices, but nothing that completely takes away the experience of the game.

Once the novelty of being a peasant learning his way up wears off within the first five hours the game is filled with flaws.

The story is good, but playing through it is a complete slog. The mechanics are broken. The minority of times you are actually enjoying the game rather than fighting shitty decisions or bugs.

The quest design is the worst part. Most of it is fast traveling to another area to talk to some npc who then sends you on a rabbit hole to another npc which will do the same. It has its moments, but its lows are in the trenches.

Tetris is already a near perfect game, so it is no surprise that this game does it well.

Insane visuals and sounds on top of Tetris make this game extremely cool to play. The story mode is a bit short, and not too challenging. The game does include ways to play classic Tetris while maintaining the visuals this game provides. However, 40 dollars for Tetris is a bit steep.

Very similar to the first game
Many improvements to the gameplay elements. A lot of new mechanics that are very nice. The material grind is substantially lowered in this game which is nice.

Environmentally and story wise this game is a bit worse. The progression is a lot harder to follow, and many times you are completely in the dark with no clear objective.

This game does not share a similar story or feel to the first game. Rather than a lonely mystery, this game includes characters and story elements that the first lacked. Some people hate it and some like it. Really a mixed bag, but I found it enjoyable.

Very entertaining...

The gameplay itself is quite shallow. Usually just boils down to walking around a semi-empty map and picking up random loot. It is only fun if you can get three other people to play with.

That being said it is very fun with those three other people. There is quite a bit of content packed into the game so it won't get boring for awhile.

Quite literally just lethal company but a bit more shallow...

The gimmick of "recording" dies out after about an hour. Still, it is very entertaining with a group of friends.

This game is worth the play for free... no comment on the eight dollar price tag.

Blowing up buildings scratched an itch in my 12 year old brain that literally no other game could match.

Replayed it recently and it still holds up. The open world is very vacant, but it is not terrible. Story is also alright.

I didn't finish the game. From what I hear I quit at the last like 20 minutes. Oh well. The story and game are still worth playing.

Very cool remake. Most puzzles are wildly simplified but still enjoyable.

The story and soundtrack are incredible.

Such a unique horror game. I loved the puzzles.

Wildly overhated, especially in regard to the other Fallout games. Definitely the strongest title of the series.

The open world is incredible.

I think I got this game for like a dollar from a coupon... or free I don't really remember. I gave it a shot but it was very boring.

Most people hate this game... I love it. I thought it was cool as fuck

This game does not hold up against Outlast. It feels like it tries way too hard to be scary, which in turn makes it not scary.

Kinda just walked around for the first hour in a mediocre environment before I dropped it.

Such a good horror game. Very stressful gameplay and atmosphere.