I really want to get into Monster Hunter, but I hate how multiplayer dependent this game is

Surprising how well the older Sonic titles as a whole have aged. A very informative experience to see the first game from one of gaming's biggest mascots. You can tell the experience is far from being refined as it is in the next installments though

Perfect game to fit the "pick up and play" motto. It's nothing amazing but it's a nice title to have in the library I know I can usually fall back on for a few minutes.

Very solid platforming/puzzle experience. Neat concept that doesn't overstay its welcome - too simple in appearance/design at times though

UPDATE: Thought I would add some more as my opinion has evolved. Overall, I feel more critical on my experience after just completing another musou game P5S. I think the fact of how limited the "fun" characters in the roster are is much more disappointing then I remember. And while I definitely like certain aspects about the gameplay even more than P5S, the story is also something I'm having a little more trouble excusing. Still a very fun time I don't regret experiencing and filled my itch for more of the universe but I'm also a bit disappointed on what it could be.

I think having an understanding perspective before you begin playing this game is the best way to garner its full enjoyment. It's narrative is decent at best, missions and maps can be repetitive, and much of the late-game characters are frankly not that fun to use - but the core gameplay loop with my favorite characters never bore me, and I found the story to be a nice pairing with the main course. Can't see myself ever really returning after getting a few dozen hours of it, but a worthwhile experience at best.

This brings back so many great memories of that first holiday with the Switch, getting this game, and grinding the hell out of it with family and friends. I try to go back every once and a while but with how slimy it's ecosystem has been since it went free to play I've sadly lost a lot of interest.

My favorite indie from the 3DS period - it feels a bit bland in retrospect now that 2 is out and far superior, but the western robot theme feels so fresh and creative, and the sense of progression and level design keeps the game interesting throughout its shorter campaign length. Insanely replayable though

This game gets way too much hate. I get why the mission structure was controversial, but it was one that didn't hurt my experience greatly. It improves the locale variety, tool set options, and combat into incredibly positive directions - a nice improvement over 1 for me

Binding of Isaac for me is my perfect "pick up and play" game. I already sunk dozens of hours on the WIIU version, but already have close to 100 on Switch, with all of the non-greed mode endings complete. It's simple in look and borderline repulsive at times, yet those seemingly bizarre factors create such a wildly different and unforgettable experience every new run.

Also, having now just beat LoZ NES, I love how the dungeon format is almost exactly the same here as the dungeons in that original game were. You could really tell the devs were huge fans of the genre/style and polished it up to great lengths.

One of the best Pokemon games out there. The Hoenn region is delightful; and this gen's Pokemon is overall very solid. The remake of the polish too obviously shines and makes the entire experience and even greater experience

A great first introduction to the series. One of the first 3D I played too. Unique yet engaging central combat system, fun and witty narrative, and some of the weaker areas of the game (platforming in Luigi's dream) never felt like a huge chore

Not the best, but one of my personal favorite experiences from the SNES era. It's high-speed gameplay, great pixel work, and "easy to learn but hard to master" driving mechanics make it a very enjoyable time to this day.

Right behind 8 for me in most regards. Like most, I have so many fantastic memories from when I was younger, and it's brought so many neat mechanics and courses that have carried over or been improved on in the future

Definition of comfort game. It was my first introduction to the series, and year after year I continually kept coming back to it up until New Horizons came out.

New Horizons adds a lot of QoL enhancements that makes the overall experience easier, but I hold so much more love for the structuring of New Leaf. The game never threw too much onto me like I feel New Horizons does - my town looked like shit, but I was happy and it felt like the game wanted to keep it that way.

The bond I grew with my villagers, the attachment I grew with growing my town and building my house up at my own pace - it's so cozy. In retrospect, it's almost sentimental - going back and thinking about the villager relationships I now don't have or specific tracks in the fantastic OST that I heard on repeat make me tear up.

It's one of my favorite games ever and its what made me fall in love with the series and formula. It's ok if the series continues down the road its on now with New Horizon, because as long as I'll still hold the memories from this game, then I'll be happy

What a fantastic entry in the series. Smash just fits well on handheld, and playing it for the first time was such as surreal but happy experience. Just playing against CPUs over and over again satisfied my wants. The single player offerings are far greater compared to WIIU as well, ESPECIALLY Smash Run