Great memories from playing multiplayer; Nothing amazing in retrospect but a very solid FPS experience

It's boring, confusing in design, and a terrible direction for the series. Mini games are fairly decent though, which makes the side modes a bit more bearable

There are very few game series I've been addicted to like I've been addicted to Splatoon. It's unfortunate it suffered a familiar fate that the first did, with a weak first few months of sparse content additions, but by the end of its cycle it's quickly become one of my favorite Switch games. I loved grinding the hell out of everything the game had to offer all over again - it has a great sense of atmosphere and one of the most enjoyable Nintendo universes on the Switch. I can't wait for an inevitable sequel to shake the series up even further.

I don't think Shovel Knight is nearly as good as people make it out to be, but it's still a solid platforming experience, with well made controls, nice pixel visuals, and unique environments

Cheap and solid ass platformer. It utilizes the art style and western theme very well, with decent platforming/combat

I don’t think this game has aged very well. Tartarus is straight up poorly designed and tedious to no ends. The gameplay is good but very rough around the edges. And no controllable party members...

If you’re able to look past a lot of those flaws, you’re in for such an incredibly astounding experience. 3 perfectly wraps its narrative around every facet of the game, better than any other Persona game. It takes the dark and heavy themes of death and remembrance and carefully applies it into my favorite story to grace gaming. It never once holds back, and results into a moving piece of art.

Desperately needs a remake to do justice to such an astounding piece of work

Pretty much Guacamelee 1 but better. The lack of originality against its predecessor may be disappointing to some, but it was never a hindrance to me. I love the expanded and satisfying platforming, decently fun beat em up style combat, and witty writing/overall humor. One of the best games on the Switch and easily worth a play if you're into any of the multitude of genres the game tackles.

One of the best Switch/WIIU games, and the best Mario Kart games easily. While the complaints on the shaky battle mode (even in Switch) and mid roster are completley valid, they have crafted the core game play to near perfection, and its one of the best multiplayer experiences out there. I can't wait to see how they take this fantastic entry into even greater heights in the future.

This game has no reason to now exist with Deluxe out, but with that aside, it's still my favorite Mario Kart game. Battle system gets too much hate as well - it's broken and technically not good but with the right group can be fun as hell

Very solid platforming/puzzle experience. Neat concept that doesn't overstay its welcome - too simple in appearance/design at times though

This is easily one of the best multiplayer experiences I've ever had. I never get bored of the silly as hell controls and environments, consistent map updates keep me coming back frequently, and I've gotten more laughs out of it then I can count. Could not reccomend enough to someone looking for a good multiplayer game on any platform.

Surprising how well the older Sonic titles as a whole have aged. A very informative experience to see the first game from one of gaming's biggest mascots. You can tell the experience is far from being refined as it is in the next installments though

I really want to get into Monster Hunter, but I hate how multiplayer dependent this game is

At its core, it's Smash - even with the controversial new mechanics, its a blast to play with a good group of people. Besides that though, almost everything else about this version specifically feels like a let down. I like the new character additions but the side modes are insanely weak, especially compared to 3DS' offerings. I don't think I'll ever return to the game honestly.

I’ve only played through through the Golden Deer route up until this point, so I don’t have the entire story perspective, but this game is truly something special. I absolutely adore how unique and enjoyable the majority of the characters are, and how well written the overall narrative and house leaders are. The core gameplay is as strong and effective as ever, and the teaching loop is satisfying as hell (although it does get tedious towards the end of the game). I wish it had the visual polish to back the rest of the experience up though. Overall, it’s one of the best overall offerings the Switch has to offer, and a great entryway into the FE series.