Welp. Nintendo's never giving us another Wario Land, this will have to do.

Good thing this game is actually really good.

Honestly, if this ends up being the final new Smash game (or at least the last one with Sakurai at the helm) I'd be 100% okay with that.

This game is effectively what Smash has building up to since 64. Just a giant love letter to all of gaming.

Only marked as played instead of Completed because I still havent beaten World of Light yet.


A bit of a stepup from Chapter 1, which was already a step up from Undertale.

More fleshed out fights, a hidden route, basically more of Chapter 1 but better.

Looking forward to Chapter 3-5.

"If Undertale is so good why isn't there an undertale...oh nevermind."

Honestly kind of a step up from Undertale. Fixed a lot of the problems with Undertale and the gameplay is definitely a lot more interesting to boot.

Looking forward to where things go with this.

Honestly. I'm not sure if I can really say anything about this game that hasn't been said already.

Beautiful OST, a story that's...admittedly a little preachy but still a good one nonetheless, and characters you'd fricking die for.

Although funny how the best fights in the game are on the route you should absolutely 100% never take. Weird.

This game single handedly made going outside enjoyable.

Weird to think this game also brought about a level of Pokemon fever unseen since the 90s.

Either way, glad its still kicking after all these years.

This review contains spoilers

I came into this game expecting a nice little visual novel to play on Valentine's Day.

Now I'm in a relationship with a soft dom mommy gf after watching a girl hang herself, another stab herself, and another get thanos snapped out of existence.

10/10 best week of my life.

The game can be brutal sure and it has a fair share of jank but honestly, my favorite MOTHER game.

There's something about it that just...feels right y'know?

This game is fanservice in every sense of the word and its great.

Also someone at Capcom is relentlessly horny I swear.

Honestly, maybe it's the nostalgia talking, but this was honestly the best gacha I ever played.

May it rest in peace. (At least globally)

This game is a bigger crossover than Smash Bros.

Let that sink in for a moment.

As a FFRK veteran who came to this game because Global died, it's pretty good. Has some great character interactions.

Kinda confusing though.

The single player content is great.

The PvP is unbalanced as hell.

Pretty underrated gacha though. Wish it didnt cost so much just for a single 10 roll.

I will never financially recover from this game.

Anyways pretty good game, probably the best gacha Nintendo has thats still alive.

This game has done irreparable damage to my OC canon.

10/10 better than WoW.