4 is def better than 3 but held back by its all over the place plot. I saw what they were doing but like they did it in the weirdest way possible.

It's basically about unraveling the rotten underbelly and showing it up by sticking to your values. Shading light on different perspectives and growing as a person through hardship

And akiyama is there I guess


the best part was when the main character said "dagon!" and dagon dagon'd all over him


we live in a society where you lost the coin toss

i hate yakuza 3 combat
i hate yakuza 3 combat
i hate yakuza 3 combat

other than that, literally only story stuff that occurred in Okinawa was remotely interesting to me. the Okinawa cast are literally the best

Its not like terrible, but its not good either compared to Y0,1 and 2

Forgot to re-log but this game has vastly improved from what it once was. Definitely in a better state to actually enjoy the game.

encapsulates alot of good detective games/mechanics into a short nice package. Really good introductory game for people wanting to get into detective style games

man the story is a good ride, but the gameplay loop is exceptionally boring, like they messed up stealth mechanics, whats even the point of a silencer or throwing knife if it just immediately starts combat, it just gives the benefit of killing only 1 person immediately and nothing else

like it messed up something simple that even skyrim managed to do well

one of the best Full HD cutscene compilations i've seen