Fortnite is back baybeeeee. Zero Build is the only way to play this game now, as builders are just as sweaty as they were in Ninja's prime. Peter Griffin made it all worth it.

Felt like a custom mod someone made. No air momentum and the homing dash made moving around feel bad compared to the originals.

The perfect collection for playing four of the best 2D platformers ever made. While it's annoying that you can only use like four keys for your keybindings, I made it work and still had a great time.

Fun gameplay, interesting story, but cheap jumpscares get annoying real fast. The game is at its best when you feel tense from not knowing your surroundings while you're running and hiding from someone chasing you.

This game is the reason I survived my work training

I'm shocked by how low-rated this is, I had an absolute blast playing through it solo. It felt like such an upgrade compared to Trilogy, with weapon and perk progression making me genuinely want to grind a bit. The horde mode being changed to have progression similar to COD Zombies improved it from a mid gamemode to something I'd actually want to go back to. While the DLC being shoved in my face is annoying, the fact that we get 12 full chapters for free is pretty insane already, so I didn't mind that much.

Cool concept, though I wish the whole point of the game wasn't just trying to find all of the videos, but rather trying to create a chain of events and put it all together. While the story was interesting, I found myself not really caring towards the end when I had to find like ten more videos and couldn't find what to enter to get them.

The game is the literal perfect Call of Duty game, as it features most fan-favorite weapons, maps, and characters across the entire franchise. However, the amount of bots in-game, shocking amount of microtransactions, and the fact that it's a mobile game drag it down. If this game was made for consoles, it would be the greatest Call of Duty ever made.

This has to have one of the most immersive settings in a game I've played. Uniquely grim and spooky, you truly feel like you're living in this world. Sad that the good ending is locked behind such a dumb mechanic though.

Just as good as the first game. I'm glad the gameplay felt identical to 2033 Redux, as it felt like a genuine continuation of the first game. There being more jumpscares was kind of annoying though.

A lot of great individual ideas that are sadly brought down by the full product.

The artstyle is incredible, with its beautiful pixelated sprites. The weapons might be the most unique I've seen in a boomer shooter, with every weapon being really fun to use.

However, the overall game is not that great. A hub-map that is incredibly slow to traverse; a shop level that you need to backtrack to, then when you're in the level you still have to travel a good bit to the actual shop area; the story is quite non-existent, with the ending literally just being a note popped up on the screen with no payoff or any sense of reward for completing; the collectibles require items from the shop that you can't get until you're halfway through the game, requiring backtracking in order to buy some of the endgame items; the soundtrack is not bad, but nothing special that I'd listen to outside of the game; a Unity load screen between doing anything that removes immersion; no save points, but instead vita-chambers from Bioshock, so death has no downsides.

I still completed the game, as all of these issues I mentioned don't make the game unplayable in any way, but it just brings down the experience. Everything this game does just feels like it's done better in DUSK.


Such a cute and surprisingly emotional story. Lack of side quests and rewards for exploration are kind of disappointing, but not unforgivable.

Infinitely better than Episode I, even if it still isn't as good as the originals. Most of the soundtrack sounds like penis music though

While this game is an obvious downgrade from Thief 1 and 2, it still holds its own weight against them. The levels having actual music instead of just ambience, the animated cutscenes sprinkled within missions, and a proper conclusion for Garrett's storyline help elevate this game from feeling like a jank cashgrab to a genuine sendoff for the series.

I can't lie though that this game feels incredibly bad to play without getting the Sneaky Upgrade. Even with it, I almost wanted to quit during the first mission just due to how bad it felt to play. However, once I understood how the blackjack worked in this game and got used to movement in this engine, it felt like I was back playing a genuine Thief title again.

Shalebridge Cradle also really is as good as everyone says. This might be one of the best levels in gaming ever made.

This game mode is cute, but you never really do anything that makes it 'feel' like it's a Lego game. It could have easily been just Save the World but with Minecraft mechanics instead of wave defense. Hopefully they continue to expand on this to make it into a genuine experience.