Just as good as the first game. I'm glad the gameplay felt identical to 2033 Redux, as it felt like a genuine continuation of the first game. There being more jumpscares was kind of annoying though.

This has to have one of the most immersive settings in a game I've played. Uniquely grim and spooky, you truly feel like you're living in this world. Sad that the good ending is locked behind such a dumb mechanic though.


One of the best roguelite's I've ever played. It truly captures the spirit of Mega Man X's gameplay while keeping each playthrough unique. After following it through Early Access, I can easily recommend this game to anyone that likes action-platformers.

Cool concept, though I wish the whole point of the game wasn't just trying to find all of the videos, but rather trying to create a chain of events and put it all together. While the story was interesting, I found myself not really caring towards the end when I had to find like ten more videos and couldn't find what to enter to get them.

This might be the hardest game to recommend to anyone, but it's actually a perfect game. The level of freedom you have is unparalleled, and each level is so unique and oozing style. One of the best and most unique games I've ever played.

This game is the reason I survived my work training

Fun gameplay, interesting story, but cheap jumpscares get annoying real fast. The game is at its best when you feel tense from not knowing your surroundings while you're running and hiding from someone chasing you.

The perfect collection for playing four of the best 2D platformers ever made. While it's annoying that you can only use like four keys for your keybindings, I made it work and still had a great time.

This game mode is cute, but you never really do anything that makes it 'feel' like it's a Lego game. It could have easily been just Save the World but with Minecraft mechanics instead of wave defense. Hopefully they continue to expand on this to make it into a genuine experience.

Fortnite is back baybeeeee. Zero Build is the only way to play this game now, as builders are just as sweaty as they were in Ninja's prime. Peter Griffin made it all worth it.

While this game is an obvious downgrade from Thief 1 and 2, it still holds its own weight against them. The levels having actual music instead of just ambience, the animated cutscenes sprinkled within missions, and a proper conclusion for Garrett's storyline help elevate this game from feeling like a jank cashgrab to a genuine sendoff for the series.

I can't lie though that this game feels incredibly bad to play without getting the Sneaky Upgrade. Even with it, I almost wanted to quit during the first mission just due to how bad it felt to play. However, once I understood how the blackjack worked in this game and got used to movement in this engine, it felt like I was back playing a genuine Thief title again.

Shalebridge Cradle also really is as good as everyone says. This might be one of the best levels in gaming ever made.

Very creepy, yet still so awesome. The soundtrack is a banger, and the combat actually felt super rewarding to get good at. The boss fights are a bit lacking and the story can be confusing at points, but it's still a fantastic game.

It's a fun L4D2-style game, but probably my least favorite that I've played so far. You never feel satisfied with killing enemies, and solo play is incredibly punishing. The characters are all fun though and the enemies look really cool.

This game is so good. I wish it had as good a soundtrack as the original, but hearing the UNATCO theme on the radios was good enough <3. Takedowns costing an energy cell shouldn't exist, but this was only an issue for the first couple hours.

This game controls like hot ass on Xbox. No FOV changing, no video options while in-game, 30 FPS so everything feels choppy, the crafting system is insanely convoluted for new players, and the combat feels unrewarding and punishing. It honestly looked better in 2013 in Markiplier's playthrough