It's fun, and definitely a great side-mode for the base game. The only problem is that every run just feels the same. Sure, you can hack as the custodian and repair as the engineer, but everything else is almost completely identical. I got through a couple runs, and I think I had my fill.


This game is the true sequel to System Shock 2. It has everything I'd want in an immersive sim: customizable builds, freedom in movement, and feeling like your choices actually mean something. This game excels in everything, except that it didn't feel like it had a unique identity of its own. With games like Thief and Deus Ex, the enemies, world, and gameplay felt uniquely their own, with no other games comparable to it. With Prey however, it felt like Dishonored with a space aesthetic. Even with this little downside, the game is near perfect.

I'm shocked by how low-rated this is, I had an absolute blast playing through it solo. It felt like such an upgrade compared to Trilogy, with weapon and perk progression making me genuinely want to grind a bit. The horde mode being changed to have progression similar to COD Zombies improved it from a mid gamemode to something I'd actually want to go back to. While the DLC being shoved in my face is annoying, the fact that we get 12 full chapters for free is pretty insane already, so I didn't mind that much.

Incredibly fun gunplay, but I feel like it was a downgrade from DOOM 2016. The amount of cutscenes, the amount of lore that's just thrown at your face that makes no sense unless you read every codex entry, and crazy platforming just make it feel less immersive and felt more like a third title in the series. If there was a second game or a DLC that explained what happened between 2016 and Eternal it probably would've been better.

Now THIS is a great horror game. The ambience and the generator help to make the bunker feel terrifying, especially when you hear the beast clawing around trying to find you. I love that you get stronger later in the game not by what equipment you have, but rather your knowledge of how to approach each encounter.

This game controls like hot dookie. The Nights level was way too high quality to be in a game like this.


This game is so fun. Exploring the huge maps, blasting enemies with the super shotgun, and the chaos of every fight are such a blast.

The good ending is such an incredible end to Artyom's journey, but I personally preferred the smaller linear set pieces of the previous games compared to this game's vast open worlds, as most of my time in-game was spent just traveling to the next mission. Also getting jumpscared by spiders crawling on my face every time I used the lighter definitely angered me more than once lol

Really fun platforming, and so much extra content to play through. However, the movement felt inconsistent at times. The ledge-grabbing sometimes worked, but usually not when you wanted it to. Jumping on enemies' heads sometimes killed you even when you did it perfectly. This led to some rage-inducing moments where it felt like I was doing everything perfectly but the game just didn't want me to win. Ash's voice acting was also kind of bad.

Addicting combat, fun secrets, and a great atmosphere. I think I spent 90% of the game in detective mode though lmao

Palworld has everything an open-world Pokémon game should have: tough boss battles, mountable Pokémon, and a BOTW-like world. The only thing bringing this game down is how long it takes to make progress. Unless you're playing in a solo world where you can set ores to be mined faster and XP is earned 12x faster, progression is a slog. Crafting also takes an eternity until you get Anubis, which is one of the last Pals you get. Besides all this, just running around and catching Pals was a lot of fun.

Much better gameplay and levels than its predecessor, but its story wasn't as compelling. It felt like the story just jumped from knowing nothing about the terrorists to knowing everything in one level. However, Prague is an amazing hub world, and I'm glad it changed each visit to keep it interesting. Breach mode is really lame though, and the Jensen's Stories are definitely just cut content that should've been added into the main story like HR: Director's Cut did.

This game is beautiful. The environments, cutscenes, and Alice herself all look amazing even by today's standards. However, the gameplay is a complete downgrade compared to the original, as the combat is not nearly as engaging or fun. Only having four real weapons and fighting the same goo monster every other room is not that fun. The platforming is much better though, and I was having a blast when the levels focused on those.

Amazing soundtrack, very fun gameplay with an extremely high skill ceiling. I think locking the end of the story behind one of the most difficult characters is kinda dumb though, as Aria is much much MUCH harder than Cadence or Melody.

Proximity voice chat always makes a game better. Hearing your friend's scream followed by silence will never not be hilarious.