Too RNG heavy, you could have a perfect build but just not roll the champs you need, while everyone else has three-star five-costs. Fun when not playing ranked though

Episode 3 > 2 > 1, didn't like that most of the gameplay was "move here, kill zombies, move here, kill more zombies, etc", but it was still a good time. Horde mode should've been the main gameplay, as it's pretty good compared to COD Zombies.

we need more speedrunning-based movement games, this and Neon White just feel so good to master

Infinitely better than Episode I, even if it still isn't as good as the originals. Most of the soundtrack sounds like penis music though

Felt like a custom mod someone made. No air momentum and the homing dash made moving around feel bad compared to the originals.

After completing every act on nightmare solo, I can say that the game was still fun and kept me engaged, but definitely not as replayable as L4D2.

i hate the god damn sleepers

The game is the literal perfect Call of Duty game, as it features most fan-favorite weapons, maps, and characters across the entire franchise. However, the amount of bots in-game, shocking amount of microtransactions, and the fact that it's a mobile game drag it down. If this game was made for consoles, it would be the greatest Call of Duty ever made.


Such a cute and surprisingly emotional story. Lack of side quests and rewards for exploration are kind of disappointing, but not unforgivable.

Incredible gameplay, fun characters, fantastic soundtrack. Just need a custom level editor and this game would be a 10/10.