i cry evry tim ;-;

Every game that ever made me shed tears, no matter the reason as long as the game was responsible.
Will continue to update this, probably frequently, as my sensitivity has increased a ton lately.
Don't click on notes unless you're prepared for spoilers

You can find my Movie crying list here

This game had several moments that made me shed a few tears. When you meet such amazing characters, anything that happens to them could be an emotional tripwire. I think New Home hits the hardest though with that sweet music.
Wow I don't even know where to begin. This game made me want to rip all the skin off of my face. I can't even pin point one particular moment that made childhood me have a nuclear meltdown. The game is amazing by the way.
The ending scene where Mario summons the help of all his friends, while an incredibly emotional and inspiring music piece starts blasting out the speakers, was enough to let a tear or two slip by me.
Yeah I have to admit that last shot of the drawing on the card hit me like a truck.
The wedding scene at the end of the game is an emotional nightmare for me. I love impending-apocalypse plots because of scenarios like this. Imminent death tends to bring out the most emotional moments.
Hinawa's death is, to put it very lightly, shocking. The way the scene of Flint lashing out is handled along with Lucas and Claus's reactions is nothing short of soul crushing, and while the final fight against Claus is also an ordeal, this part siphoned the tears out of me.
This one I saw from a PewDiePie let's play, because back in the day I really loved these kind of Youtubers. Very much an ugly-cry kind of game, even if I can't remember exactly why I was crying.
The song that plays in the main Queen Sectonia fight, titled "Moonstruck Blossom", is my favorite song from any video game, and I did actually cry listening to it, even though the fight itself isn't exactly saddening or intensely emotional.
When I was a kid, a more common occurrence was crying at video games due to rage or frustration. The Flying Dutchmann's Shipyard broke me with its stupid wall-jump bullshit and I will always remember that one spinning pylon that made me actively weep.
Earliest game I can remember crying to due to saddening content. The death of the mayor hits like a sack of bricks, and I lost it when I saw the mayor's spirit watching over everything with the main character.
I don't want to talk about it.
This one is infamous among my circle as the game that made me throw a GameCube disc across the room. Taught me that the world was unfair, and I did cry about it.
Watched JackSepticEye's playthrough of this game a long time ago. It's quite the accomplishment that, even with the accompaniment of a content creator whom I am not particularly fond of, I still bawled my eyes out at the ending.
I remember one day in Elementary School, I brought one of my Tamagotchi pets with me, and all of my friends kept making fun of my pet and making jokes about them. I took everything 100% seriously as a child so needless to say I was quite offended.


1 year ago

You need to play RiME

1 year ago

Oh wow it looks really cute, I'll definitely take a look sooner rather than later

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