I have really enjoyed my time playing Nier: Automata, I had no idea what to expect going in but this game has managed to take my breath away multiple times. I particularly enjoyed the way the game straddles the line between genres, moving from a 3D world to a 2.5D platformer and then to a twin-stick shooter and back again, I've not seen anything like it in a game before and I loved it.

The characters are enjoyable and interesting and the story is fun, if not a bit predictable at times and confusing at others. If you speed run the main endings, the game is relatively short but you can put in a lot more time by finding the remaining endings as well as completing the side-quests and weapons, etc.

I feel like the game faltered a bit with the combat, although it was mostly very enjoyable, it felt a bit repetitive at times and I found myself being stun-locked to death on occasion, however, I'm sure this is something I could have avoided by equipping the necessary plug-in chips, another part of the game which I enjoyed and welcomed.

My main issue was to do with trying to collect my plug-in chips after I had died, I found myself rushing to pick them up more often than not and, in my haste, I would always pick them up instead of automatically re-equipping them, which meant I would need to immediately go into my inventory and plug them all back in again, hoping I could remember which ones I had. Aside from this and the questionable trophy involving looking up a particular character's skirt 10 times, Nier: Automata was a fantastic experience and one that I would recommend to anyone else looking for a good time in an unfamiliar world.

My daughter asked me to play this game because she'd seen it on YouTube. I didn't know anything about this game or the original but it was a pretty decent platformer. I was surprised that there were collectables and unlockable outfits. The game was quite enjoyable and relatively easy right up until the final boss fight, at which point the difficulty kerb shoots up exponentially and I found myself struggling to finish her off. All in all it was a relatively short but fun game.

It was a lot of fun going through the 9 episodes with my daughter and showing her the Star Wars universe, she was fully invested in it and even wanted to watch the movies afterward, which is great. This is probably the best Lego game we've ever played, I love that you can choose which trilogy to start from and being able to occasionally play as characters from different stories at the same time is amazing. Unfortunately though, this is still a Lego game, so you can expect to see all of the unpolished jank that you're used to seeing in a Lego game. Still a great time though, would recommend.

I didn't play Moonlighter for long enough to give it a confident score and I'm sure it's a great game but I found myself struggling to go back to it. I found the controls clunky and, even when I changed the key bindings a few times, I struggled to find a setup I could work with which made combat very difficult. I did enjoy the concept of dungeon crawler meeting shop manager but I was a bit overwhelmed by the many items I could sell at any time. Hopefully I'll go back to this game in the future, when I've got little else to play.

Golf Story seemed like it would be a fun little golf game that doesn't take itself too seriously, however, there's just too much golf. Maybe if I liked golf more, I would enjoy this game more, who knows. I took a long break from this game but when I came back I didn't know what I was doing and I couldn't be bothered to start it again. Sorry Golf Story, not for me.

An absolutely fantastic game full of twists and turns and incredible gameplay, taking what they learned from God of War 2018 and doubling down on it to create a thoroughly enjoyable experience. Unfortunately, I encountered a few bugs, one of which saw me having to turn off the game to progress, which is something I can't say I experienced with the first game. In any case, we knew what we were getting into with this game, more God of War, and we got exactly that, the combat still feels great, the worlds are the same, beautiful worlds we've grown accustomed to and the characters are more-or-less the same, follow that up with a continuation of the story and you're in for a great time.

Preferred the first game to this, there seemed to be a lot more irritating enemies this time around as well as platforming that is impossible to do cooperatively. I also found the story to be less gripping than the first, I didn't care much about the plot and it just kind of made running around collecting all of the same skills from the first game a bit tedious.

Escape Academy is a mostly great time full of decent puzzles and an interesting, quirky story to tie it all together. The levels are well planned out with a range of challenging puzzles to work your way through, an eclectic cast of characters and a fun amount of humour throughout the whole game.

The only place where this game fell short for me and my wife was how stuttery the camera is when you look around. At first, it didn't bother us too much but after having done a few levels in a row, we found ourselves having to stop because, either our eyes were going funny, or we had headaches.

In moderation, this game is excellent. We haven't yet played the DLC but will definitely get it and play through it in the future, probably when it's on sale.

A good remake of the 3 titles, felt good to go back to the classic game and relive my childhood for a while

Can be a lot of fun if played with friends but the learning curve for new players is extremely tough, the tutorials tell you the lowest form of basics so if you don't do any further research at all, you're going to have a horrible time.

An absolutely fantastic game and a solid remake. I had a great time playing this game, I didn't play much of the original so it was nice to be able to finally roll credits on Link's Awakening. Unfortunately, I did experience some stuttering issues while moving between some areas but I generally loved the art style of the game and the way it felt to play. I didn't think that I would find this game too challenging to complete, with the inclusion of the phone booths, however, I found myself having to research stuff constantly throughout my playthrough, which was a bit frustrating at times but I still appreciated how the game doesn't hold your hand, a real testament to how difficult the games of old were. All in all, I had a lot of fun playing this game and would definitely recommend it to any Zelda fans, especially if you never got around to touching the original.

As a beginner jumping in to Destiny 2, I found the combat very impressive and a lot of fun. I enjoyed the few intro missions that I played until I was suddenly overwhelmed by things to do and found the whole thing very daunting, not really knowing where I was supposed to go or what I was supposed to do. As a beginner, the learning curve is very steep. Great gun play though, I can't fault the combat.

A fantastic game, I expected no less from Insomniac after playing through the first Spider-Man. I noticed a few more bugs with this title over the other one, for some reason. I also wish it could have been a bit longer but I loved my time with Miles Morales and his unique set of skills, very much looking forward to Spider-Man 2.

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I played this with my wife, it took us roughly 5 hours to roll credits. We found that the characters were kind of dull and the story was uninspired, once you work out that all of the scary things you're seeing are all a result of the hallucinogenic gas your characters are inhaling, it makes the game a lot less scary and makes the choices a lot easier to make - Oh, there's something attacking me, it's obviously not real so it's probably just one of my other characters attacking me and acting could result in that character dying, I'll just do nothing. In the end, we escaped with all of our characters alive and well and feeling dissatisfied.

This game is an absolute masterpiece. The puzzles are unlike anything I've ever played before, so creative and well thought-out, the game does a great job of guiding you through it, I didn't feel lost at any point. There was certainly a few times towards the end of the game where I felt like I didn't know how to complete a puzzle but I eventually worked out how to do it and would constantly be blown away by how smart the puzzles were, as well as feeling a sense of satisfaction for working it out myself. The game was a short but perfect experience, I was surprised that the quality of the puzzles stayed consistent all the way through. Would highly recommend to anyone who enjoys puzzle games, this is a must play.