Not the best Borderlands game, but certainly not the worst.

The D&D elements of the game are fantastic, although I feel like there could have been more effort made to make the Guns a bit more fantasy-esque - sure, there are some crossbows and the reload animations are a bit more crazy, but at the end of the day, they still feel just like guns.

The different equipment slots are overwhelming and confusing to begin with and the menu isn't very good, with information difficult to find, for example, when comparing weapons in the menu it only shows you very basic information with some symbols that we're supposed to just know, somehow. Now, this could be because we played it split-screen but it made comparing weapons or any type of armour difficult and resulted in us only ever comparing items when they were on the floor, when the information was much clearer for some reason.

Aside from all the menu issues, the game is a very fun time, the gunplay feels good and the enemies are fun to shoot. I loved the way the bosses had their own gimmick that spiced up the gameplay (Something that Borderlands 3 was sorely missing).

The character creation was good and I enjoyed unlocking different colours, patterns, emotes and more whilst playing the game, even if looking through them was a bit of a headache due to the preview not loading all too often.

I wish there was New Game + but the post-game arena mode is a lot of fun, it felt a lot like playing 'Hades', although the loot you get from it feels a bit redundant when you can't play the game through again.

All in all, Wonderlands is a fun time, I'm a big fan of Borderlands 2 and D&D so this felt good and they generally did a great job with it. My hope is that Borderlands 4 will be more like this and less like Borderlands 3.

This review is being written by a Dad who was forced by his 5-year old Daughter to play as Bandana Waddle-Dee the entire time while she continued to run away from every boss, which resulted in a rather underpowered Bandana Waddle-Dad poking the giant enemies in the butt and trying to very slowly chip away at their health before they managed to catch up with a terrified Kirby and slap them into the next year.

All in all, I thought this game was great. I mean, I had a very stressful time with it but that has nothing to do with the game itself (Although, I do wish there was a way to make Bandana Waddle-Dee stronger, as far as I could tell this wasn't possible). The game looks and feels great, the story is mysterious and cool, the bosses are well built and the mouthful mode feature is a lot of fun.

I had difficulty with the combat for this game. As someone who was playing Elden Ring at the same time as Kena, it sometimes felt like Elden Ring was the easier option because dodge-rolling in Elden Ring provided frames of invincibility - Not the case in Kena. It genuinely felt impossible to dodge out of certain enemies attacks and when I opted for the shield instead, it would often times just break instead, causing me damage.

Towards the end-game, I actually had to lower the difficulty because I was just getting destroyed and lemme tell you, the drop in difficulty made the game so much easier to the point where it wasn't even a challenge anymore, enemies were practically killing themselves.

I also had a few stuttering issues in the game, as well as a couple of bugs I noticed, one which involved a member of my rot team spinning around me in circles for seemingly no reason and another bug which had me just fall through the floor.

The story for Kena is good and the cinematics are fantastic, I feel like I would have enjoyed Kena more as a film than a game but it was a fun time, regardless of its problems.

The game is mostly fine, the animations during dialogue is good, it looks alright, the level design isn't terrible and the jokes are mostly funny. The games problem is when it's trying to be a platformer but my characters shadow keeps disappearing so how the hell do I know where I'm going to land?

It's a nice short game with an alright story and some pretty fun mechanics for some of it but it's mostly just a walking sim, there were a few bits where I had the overwhelming realization that I was just holding the left stick forward. Won't play it again but it was a good enough time.

This game is very difficult, I managed to finish it by the skin of my teeth but, when it comes to collecting any of the unlockable skins, I don't stand a chance in hell. On top of this, I feel like the double-jumping is very awkward. It has been a long time since I played a Crash game so it's possible that it was always like this but when you do a double-jump while moving, Crash loses all momentum on the second jump, resulting in him jumping vertically upwards, which lead to me missing the platforms on many occasions.

Maybe I've just marked the game down because I'm bad at it but I'm stubborn so it's staying that way.

When it comes to the story, it's very good, with a few branching timelines and different areas to make your way through. If you're a die-hard Crash fan, I've no doubt that you'll love this game. However, I find it difficult to recommend this game over other modern platformers.

A generally very good game, the world is beautiful and filled with incredible enemies both big and small and the amount of weapons and armour in the game is to be admired, however, there are a few things that knock this game down for me.

Predominantly, the camera is terrible - I don't know if this was only true because I was playing on PS4 (other people I spoke to didn't have the same problem) but when I was moving and turning the camera at the same time it was very jittery, making it impossible to tell what I was even looking at. On top of that, locking-on was a nightmare, the game was constantly snapping to enemies I didn't want to be looking at, leaving me vulnerable and often leading to my demise. When it came to fighting the bigger enemies, their lock-on points were often then middle of their bodies which made it very difficult to see what was happening when I was close to them (which you need to be to deal any kind of damage with a sword), I just wish they had made the feet a lock-on point for ALL of the bigger enemies.

For the vast majority of the game I was having a great time, usually when I play a game for a long time I get burned out and want to move on as quickly as possible, often skipping any side quests or optional bosses, however, 90+ hours into this game I just wanted to keep going - that was until the final few bosses I faced! The last couple of bosses I went up against had some absolutely bulls#&t moves and after many MANY hours of trying to kill them, I was begging the game to end. How many controller still works after all that is honestly a miracle.

My advice to anyone just starting out Elden Ring would be to explore as much of the world as possible, fight as much as you can, if you're struggling with a boss come back later! And most importantly, make sure you get the Mimic Tear summon for the end game, that motherf#&ker will save your God damned life!


This review contains spoilers

This is a story of the worst parents of all time.

... What the F••K?

Very strange game with a wild and slightly disturbing story. The first part of the game just felt like a walking-to-the-right simulator but it picks up after a while. The puzzles are clever but not particularly difficult and it's just a generally nice short game.

I'm gunna have nightmares for a while though, wtf was that ending.

What an absolutely fantastic video game, I'm in absolute awe at how good this was.

The combat, the story, the quantity of things to do and find in the world, all of these things are perfection, it was such a joy to play, however, the place where this game shines the most is in it's world traversal - being Spiderman and swinging around the city feels so good and the skills you can unlock to make moving around even faster and easier just make it that much better, I've never known anything like it, I genuinely want to play it all over again just so I can continue swinging around as the masked hero.

Bravo Insomniac, bravo!

I had heard mixed things about this game going in but I have to say that, personally, I thought this game sucked. Don't get me wrong, the story was great and I would suggest that anyone who wants to know the story should go and YouTube it but, for the love of God, don't play this game!

Here's a breakdown of the things I liked and disliked:

- Story. That's it.

- The combat is terrible, it doesn't feel good to play and it feels like Peter Quill does almost no damage, you'll be chipping away at an enemy's health for what feels like minutes - and if that enemy has a shield, FORGET ABOUT IT!

- There's so much dialogue! Honestly, TOO much! There wasn't a single moment in this game where one of the characters wasn't talking, I had to pause the game on several occasions just to hear myself think. To the point where, the characters would start talking but there wasn't enough space between audio cues for them to finish what they're saying, the only way you could listen to all of the dialogue in this game is if you stopped moving every time a character started speaking. Dialogue would start and then I would move like 3 steps forward and it would cause another dialogue cue to start which would lead to the characters either stopping talking mid-sentence or completely talking over themselves. Also, although there's SO much dialogue during the exploration side of the game, they seem to have forgotten to put much dialogue in the combat because they will repeat themselves so often that you'll be begging the fight to end. I feel like I can still hear them talking even now.

- The exploration. Obviously it's not an open-world game but there are collectibles in the game that they want you to find, however, when you go out of your way to try and find any of these hidden items, you'll have the other characters constantly tell you that you're an idiot for going the wrong way. On top of that, traversing the world just isn't fun, Peter's rocket boots suck, when you try and jump across a seemingly short gap, his boots seem to suddenly lose all power and you'll find yourself mashing a button to pull yourself up onto the platform.

- You can't upgrade your weapons. There's a bit of an upgrade system but it feels like it does nothing, to be honest. I feel like I was just as weak at the start of the game as I was at the end.

- The unlockable outfits are terrible. There's loads of outfits to find for each character, the problem is that they all look the same, absolutely not worth your time to find them.

- Swearing, kind of? So they don't use the usual swear words that we're all accustomed to, they use words like 'Scut' and 'Flark' which are swear words that are canonically used in the Marvel Comics (Which is a nice feature) now, I have absolutely no problem with swear words being used in games but here they say these words so often that they lose any impact they were supposed to have and they become quite annoying.

- HUDDLE-UP! This is the mechanic where you press a couple of buttons when your meter is full and the Guardians will stop - MID COMBAT - to huddle up to Peter Quill and talk about how they feel about the battle and you need to chose the dialogue option that best hypes them up - This is cringy. If you choose the correct option, your whole team will get a buff, however, choosing the wrong option will give only Peter a buff. During the buff, a random song from Peter's playlist will blast in the background while you continue to fight, these songs do not always feel battle-appropriate and I found myself fighting the final boss while 'Rick Astley - Never gonna give you up' played in the background.

So there we go, that's what I liked/disliked about the game, I'm sure there are people out there that enjoyed it and those people are idiots.

I'm joking, but it wasn't for me.

Tinykin is a charming experience with a great art style and nice threat-less gameplay that kept me engaged the entire way through. I loved the bustling levels, filled with things to discover around every corner and the way each level introduces new Tinykin and ways to use them.

The story is somewhat odd and meaningless until right at the end of the game but it was fun talking to all of the bugs.

I have played some of the races and I've got to say, they are extremely difficult and I hadn't experienced any issues with the games controls until I tried them, the precision you need to hit some of the grinds and corners with is ridiculous - maybe it's just a skill issue, regardless I don't think I'll ever complete them.

All in all, thoroughly enjoyed this game, looking forward to a sequel or something!

Played this game with my 6 year old daughter and I can see how, if played solo, this game could be thoroughly enjoyable - The level design is great, the world is vibrant and beautiful, the story and characters are fun and the replayability is decent... However, all of these things amount to nothing when you're playing co-op with a 6 year old.

Yoshi can do a number of things - Jump (And float a bit), butt-slam, eat enemies to make eggs and throw said eggs. Unfortunately, someone made the decision that, in co-op, one Yoshi can sit on another Yoshi's back and be carried around without their consent, this causes further problems when the Yoshi doing the carrying is now not allowed to throw eggs, instead, only the Yoshi who's being carried can throw eggs - and with no way of getting the carried Yoshi off your back without repeatedly asking 'Get off my back! Get off my back!!', this becomes quite the ordeal.

Now, it's worth noting at this point that my daughter enjoyed being carried around, A LOT, I would argue probably most of the game, as you can imagine, this was a problem and I started to wonder why I suggested this game in the first place. Luckily for me, there was another way to carry her around - INSIDE MY MOUTH (Yoshi's mouth, obviously!) Of course though, this was also not a permanent solution as I can't eat the enemies to get more eggs if my daughter is taking residence inside my mouth the whole time.

Aside from these two MAJOR issues, the constant bumping into each other, all of the times my daughter's Yoshi blocks my eggs throws and that one level right near the end of the game that was so uncharacteristically terrifying that it had my daughter screaming 'CARRY ME! CARRY ME!' so loud that I thought I was going to lose all hearing in my right ear, this game was great! Poochy is the best dog.

Like Overcooked! 1 but not as responsive, the interface over the pans is confusing and the overworld has needless and annoying buttons to reveal needless and annoying ramps to get to the next level.