Neat experience that's rough around the edges.

Went in completely blind so I had no idea what to expect.

I like how the game "evolves" over the course of it.

I didn't exactly get attached to the buddy though so it didn't land as well for me.

Played long enough ago I don't remember when

Will forever have a place in my heart

Jack and his lanky twink bf that he forgot

Really enjoyed this, story is compelling enough that I actually found myself watching cutscenes around the second half of the game, and just generally worth it because Jack is a funny protagonist

I think the main way this game falters is sound design, so many attacks are just completely silent coming out so it can be hard to not get hit

Otherwise very fun I like how broken Sage's Ultima is

The Pac is Back!!!

Good short 3D platformer

One of the biggest issues that I have is the game's lighting so sometimes platforms have shadows cast over them that make it very hard to tell if you'll land on them, but I mostly noticed this happening in a few later levels so it's not a super persistent issue

Just wanting to note how much I love the first Final Fantasy and how much I've played the randomizer for it, too.

I do really enjoy the general gameplay, I found exploration fun enough and the combat part is pretty fantastic too.
The item economy is especially easy to praise, items are always a powerful option which I really appreciate.

The story though is mostly delivered through character interactions and the characters aren't really interesting, and each part of the game just flows into each other in a way that makes each part not feel very distinct.

Here's to hoping whatever Vengeance does for its characters and story is much better.

Shout outs to the SMT1 reference though with the Surt, Ishtar, Arioch sequence of fights that's really cool

Replayed this finally in color
It looks so nice

I didnt beat this the first time I played the game (I dont think I even reached the Zeta Metroids), Queen Metroid is an awesome final boss

The third act really dragged the game down for me unfortunately, I just found it really frustrating.

However the rest of the game was pretty cool and enjoyable, the presentation for the first act is just particularly great and the most fun to play overall.

Thankfully there is a special post-game centered around the first act gameplay so you can do that forever.

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A massive loveletter to Fromsoft's Souls/Souls-adjacent games.

It does a particularly excellent job at incentivizing aggressive play while balancing with encouraging good use of all defensive options.

The "HP regain when attacking" mechanic that Bloodborne I do think is an excellent example of this game's design philosophy, as here you only get restorative attacks after you regularly block an attack.

Another great example of this philosophy is how you recharge the Estus equivalent by attacking, allowing you to heal more than you might have otherwise.

Many of the upgrades in the game also serve to strengthen defensive and/or aggressive play, and definitely help make the game more beat-able for someone like me who is not particularly great at these.

One of the most important aspects of these types of games to me are the tools available to the player, and I think this does a fantastic job at giving many strong options should the player need or want it.

Shout outs to the passive Estus recharge upgrade.

This one does have its issues (like character design) but dang I love how the characters are generally written so much.

I prefer the character writing in Xenoblade 3 and Xenosaga as a whole, but Nia, Jin, and Malos are all pretty big standouts.
Pyra and Mythra also standout as a positive depiction of DID, even if accidental (likely not accidental considering the series history of depicting characters with mental illnesses).

Also just find the gameplay mechanics very fun, arts canceling is always fun and getting big chain attack numbers after building orbs through Blade Combos makes my number loving brain happy.

Fun times

Me when the widely acclaimed game is good

Personally did prefer this to Dark Souls 3, I think it feels more of a successor to 1 and 2 and has a lot of interesting experimental ideas in the way of Blood Gems and Chalice Dungeons.

Glad to have finally played this, I now understand the hype for this one in particular.

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Played on Hard difficulty, no DLC

I actually enjoyed the writing here, I liked the general theme of familial love and loss and thought it was executed decently enough even if it doesn't explore it in the depth I would've liked

I don't think Lumera's death is poorly written either necessarily because the game treats it as "Oh, it's so unfair I didn't get to know you" unlike Fates where Corrin's mom dying makes her go super saiyan.
The biggest issues I had with the writing were the midgame where that theming wasn't really there, or the sudden backstories for both Marni and Sombrom which do connect to the theming but aren't built to that cheapens them.

Also found the general mechanics pretty fun, although a lot of the maps I'm not sure how memorable they are. Certainly not the worst maps, just kinda middle-of-the-road. Some of them though were fun like a lot of the early game is pretty solid at teaching certain things, and particular shoutouts to the Pact Ring map that can get pretty intense with the advancing enemies.

Overall I enjoyed Engage quite a bit.