74 Reviews liked by BussyRiot

can someone Tell Me Why™ nothing fucking happens in this game

on the one hand, it's a true hidden gem with an amazing story and a killer soundtrack. on the other, one of your party members is a gay vampire pro wrestler whose personal sidequest involves defeating 100 diaper-wearing men named after curries at a pro-wrestling event called "The Man Festival," which ends with said gay vampire pro wrestler earning the prize of getting to bottom for the previous winner, and idk about you, but that's exactly the kind of queer representation i can get behind (dumb, horny)

backloggd dot com doesn't let you post gifs, so imagine in your mind's eye that i've just posted that one gif of trinity the tuck from rupaul's drag race clapping while shouting "WHERE. ARE. THE JOKES!?" because i can't imagine anything else i could say being more succinct

as far as games that take place in the last few synapses firing inside a dying man's brain go, this is way more family friendly than bloodborne (at least until frederic chopin starts trying to line the inside of his piano with eyes)

one day a nice gay person found a monkey's paw and wished for more positive queer representation in games, and this is the result of that detached hand's index finger curling inward
a game that is definitely queer representation, written entirely by straight people who either hate queer people or think they're the punchline to a joke. i think i would kind of prefer if the creators of the game just subjected me to a hate crime instead, to be honest; at least that would be sincere

yall remember when this came out and square was like "woah, nobody liked our ff7 crossover game; we shouldn't try that again"?
unrelated: do you think humanity is doomed to repeat its mistakes over and over until its ultimate undoing, or nah, we good fam?

proof that they'll just give a bafta to anyone these days

would be a promising visual novel if it was finished
would also be a promising visual novel if the writing was good

this game is the metric that i have to gauge the content of any other game by. "this game has so much to do!" someone says, and then i say "but does it have as much content as MH4U?" and invariably it does not. i'm not sure anything does! when will i find the next game that will suck the life and soul out of me like this game did? my life and soul are bad, and i don't want them anymore!

it's definitely not the best game in the series (although iceborne helped improve a lot of the vanilla release's faults) but it's one of the ones i enjoyed playing the most, and this is why:

1) you pick up a lot of dung in monster hunter world. like, a lot. You're sniffing dung for tracks, you're making bombs out of it, so i think my friends and i decided that canonically the titular Monster Hunter you play as is an extreme scat fetishist. (which, i guess, is fine; i'm not here to yuck your hunters' yum.) but you definitely, definitely play with actual shit often enough for it to be Notable.

2) my character in monster hunter world was a lady with a blonde bobcut, and at one point during the game's early stages when the teostra armor was meta one of my friends made the offhanded comment that she looked like the princess of a fairytale germanic country, if that germanic country was extremely fascist.

3) this resulted in one of the enduring memes in my personal friend group, where my entire time spent playing this game was in character as Princess Glockenspiel of the enduring Kingdom of Glockenspiel, who hunts monsters for pride and sport, and to help fund the economy of the isolated nation through its export of its national dish, which is just literal Shit. I don't know why this is the meme that stuck around, but I really committed to the bit and I can't extricate the experience of live-rping this horrible shit eating fantasy eurotrash woman while bashing and smashing my way through the game.

my time with mh:w is viewed entirely through scheiße colored glasses.

while the rest of this game is fine, this five star review is specifically for the use of the line "understand the palm of my hand, bitch." poetry.

uh, i dunno. hold on, let me check the forecast. temperatures are a balmy 72 degrees, but i'm not seeing anything about rain - oh, but look, we're going to have wisps on friday
(on friday: everyone is burnt to death by wisps)

a slow, quiet 15th century mystery rendered in the visual style of illuminated manuscripts of the late middle-ages & early renaissance. it is certainly something special in the games-as-art genre, and therefore is not for everyone.
(in this case: everyone means monster chugging twitch streamer bros with a tier 3 amouranth sub who enthusiastically finger themselves to completion every time they get to watch kratos pull off a kill animation)

sometimes when polly speaks there is an accompanying audio clip of her saying "CELEBRATION TWERK!!"
and i think that is very good

base rise was aggressively mid but this expansion stepped the game's whole pussy up. each weapon feels fun to play, monsters feel challenging with enough variation to keep from feeling samey, and you can turn your dog into a gun.
sure all of the assets are reused from world, but bahari can sit on my face and i'd thank him