The only defect of this game is that it is short.

Fran Bow along with Wind Waker was one of those games that I grew up wanting to play and now that I have the opportunity I feel my judgment will be clouded by the hype that I have been growing over the years.

Fran Bow manages to be for me the best horror game I could ever play the gameplay and narrative absorb you into this macabre universe that convinces you that there is no hope or light for our protagonist, but even then it does not stop you to root for the little girl and her cat throughout the chapters in search of returning to his home, I created a significant affection for the characters of the plot which makes me sad now that I can no longer see them in their journey without end.
But as nothing is perfect Fran Bow tends to have a fall of narrative as the story moves towards its end putting even jokes in a story whose intent has nothing to do, but for the interested and curious the apex of Fran Bow is found entirely in chapter 1 where he is all that Fran Bow has to offer inviting you to enter more and more deeply into this universe of terror and madness that does not seem to have an end.
Thus beginning a horror story that is more hyped by me than you can believe.

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Phantom Hourglass initially only interested me to be a sequel to Wind Waker game that was part of my childhood and consequently became very special to me and have another game that shows us the continuation of this story immediately caught my attention, see that cast of characters again that I love so much living a new adventure excited me to colossal levels but being a DS game had everything to not even half of my hype or so I thought, Phantom Hourglass frighteningly does things with the DS that if you doubt not even the creators of the console could imagine raising the gameplay at a level more than satisfying to the point of being more than enjoyable, here in this game is also the best boss fights of the Zeldas I played, each having a unique and creative mechanics within the game, the soundtracks do not disappoint and the story is very nice to follow being all this on a very limited console even for its time, here I also felt I have the best fairy of the franchise and even if phantom hourglass is for me a weekend game with a maximum of 10 hours of gameplay the link that our dear hero builds with her is very beautiful until it ends at the end of his farewell, in the end phantom hourglass not only managed to meet my expectations, but exceeded her at levels that I could never imagine easily entering my favorites.

By far the best DSP game, the soundtrack, cast of characters, protagonist, story among others can overwhelmingly surpass The Gray Garden easily, making this game the most interesting of the 3 and probably the game you should start with before going on to the other two.

Great game to pass the time, each gameplay manages to be tense and fun making your builds unique and interesting.

Great game to pass the time, each gameplay manages to be tense and fun making your builds unique and interesting.

It's not as bad as The Gray Garden and it's not as good as Wadanohara, so I'd put it in between the two, but one thing is for sure, it's probably the game with the biggest DSP mark if you've played it, you know what it is.

You start without understanding anything, play it thinking you know something, and then end up not understanding a fucking thing, but in the end you become a fan because it is amazing.

I had the honor and pleasure to have chosen this masterpiece to be my first game to complete its 100%, it is amazing to know how this game can be so alive and active to this day, not to mention that it can give more focus and perfectly perform things that Ocarina started, becoming without doubt a continuation that honors and is superior to its predecessor, although there are things I prefer in Ocarina than in Majora this game can easily be the best of the two making Majora's Mask something mandatory in the curriculum of anyone who considers himself a gamer.

I don't think it is as horrible a game as everyone says, but it sure is light years away from being mediocre.

One of my biggest surprises, the game is very enjoyable to play, both the story, battle system, gameplay and other factors are very well done and executed the kind of game I would easily recommend.

Possibly my favorite of the franchise that I have had the opportunity to play, my biggest regret was abandoning it midway through.

I tried 3 times and failed all 3 times because the game is incredibly boring


The classic RPG Maker game: Short and simple storyline with nothing special in the gameplay, the puzzles are simple and even a child can easily finish them, making it a good pastime to relax.

Tip from someone who has already finished the game, wear the ultimate armor, skip everything and any form of dialog in this game, and really embrace the game's speedrun