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that is all

Okay. Now that I played it a bit, how many PS1 games let you set your height and weight... and I have never seen a game let you choose whether you are left or right handed. Lots of customization.

So I make my guy as tall as possible and as fat as possible. After a brief introduction the game seems to be mostly open, so apparently we have a sandbox JRPG here or moreso than just about any other JRPG on the system I think.

I guess I'll mention that I have played so many JRPGs in my life that I've reached a point where my lack of knowledge in actual Japanese doesn't even matter that much and I can usually find my bearings pretty easily as these "rich fantasy worlds" can get rather predictable at times.

Anyway, I talk to some guy in a bar and buy something for 15000 when I only have 100 and he promptly takes me to jail. Never even gave me the "Sorry you are broke!" dialogue box. Damn.

After waiting awhile I get to leave and I immediately travel south until I've made it past 4 or 5 load screens. I was hoping to find the world map and fight some monsters at this point but instead I run into a very small old man who is lying on the ground (Actually he's probably not that small, I'm just very tall). I take him back to my home and he is my new pet.

to be cont'd


I got so many bitches getting the high scores in this game.

Feels a bit like a Quintet Souls-like but isn't saying much for influencing From Soft as it more or less feels King's Field inspired itself already. Very janky and the graphics aren't much to look at. A slight improvement over Granstream Saga, mostly in tone, but it's pretty clear Quintet's heyday was on the SNES.

It's certainly an attempt, you can tell they were trying to make something that at least felt like an open world action rpg/platforming Zelda-esque dungeon crawl, but the know-how just wasn't there or it just wasn't polished enough to actually be fun.

It is pretty interesting having to time a hit to kill a slime while it is jumping at you. Definitely requires some level of patience, or a lot.

Is this game good? No. Is this game bad? Fuck no this shit is awesome. I was entertained the entire time I played it.

Here is a clip of the voice acting. Tell me you don't want to play this shit.

This game's pretty neat. I actually love the controls and it manages to convey the sense of weight and power a mech should have without feeling too clunky like armored core and gundam versus. Unfortunately the controls and the feeling of punching the monsters are really the only good parts of the game. You have to spend an obnoxious amount of time running around the city on foot while experiencing the fairly generic story. The voice acting is hilarious for a while but loses its appeal a few hours in and I just started skipping the cutscenes entirely. 15 episodes in and the enemies are all almost entirely fought the same way. Also while it is cool to view the robot battle from the human's perspective, it often just ended up requiring a lot of tedious camera management. I'd love to see this game's atmosphere and combat brought back in a new mech game that's more competent in the other aspects.

Más feo y le ponen Adhemar Casal

Mario Odyssey es todo lo que esperaba de una Secuela de Donkey Kong 64 Jajaja Fuera de Bromas, el Juego, no puedo decir que sea Malo, la discusión aquí es si es Mediocre o no, Mientras que esta Mecanicamente pulido y es un deleite de jugar Hay consideraciones que lo previenen de ser muy bueno y se debe que a pesar de tener una buena estructura el juego es demasiado grande para su propio bien, Mientras juegos como Sunshine y SM64 son juegos de perseguir un objetivo fijo y ejecutar esa tarea de modo eficiente (siendo una genuina traducción de lo que es llegar a una meta en un plataformero 2d) Mario Oddysey es un Colectaton y uno que genuinamente mientras que es mecánicamente agradable, no es uno que recompense o impulse al jugador a completarlo. por ende el juego se siente muy difuso en su primera partida porque toda esta Presentación de la campaña es complementa, olvidable y nada cohesiva, realmente no importa mucho nada, solo importa que consigas lunas para llegar a tu destino, todo lo demas a GRAN ESCALA es relleno visual y esto es mucho mas notorio en las "set pieces" siendo la primera el Festival de New Donk City y La pelea final contra bowsers, mientras que agradezco que sean niveles completamente interactivos las secuencias se sienten arbitrarias mucho más si fracasas en ellas. Hay muchos más detalles individuales que se pueden juzgar pero a la larga, es un juego hecho a la medida para la plataforma, para bien o para mal, esta usa todos los controles de movimiento y ademas el concepto de Colectaton es perfecto para un formato portatil.

A game that genuinely makes you feel happy to be alive. It's a masterpiece. The surprisingly great story for a Platinum game, punchy writing and creativity of Kamiya in both the playfulness of the combat and the variety in gimmicks leave this ending up as one of the greatest games ever made.

A rollercoaster ride that ends on one of the best quick time events in video-games PERIOD. Brings a tear to my eye every time.

Legitimately one of the magical games I've ever played. All of it's flaws are negated by the constant raw passion and charm the game has it's impossible for me to play this game without cracking a smile.