Shadow of the Tomb Raider gets closer to hitting the story high notes of the first in the rebooted series, but honestly at this point I'm just playing these because they are fun as hell, rather than any investment in the narrative.

Pleasantly warm and subdued, if not entirely memorable.

Mature on a level that most games only dream of. A few clunky mechanics, but otherwise this is a fantastic VR title.

The rare game where its most frustrating design decisions are also its most compelling and meaningful.

The weakest season to date both in minigames and aesthetics.

A great premise, but one that is held back by its often way too simple implementation. Most of the puzzles just involve figuring out the one thing you need to do to prevent that person from dying. There are a few standouts however, and in those cases it really was exciting to figure out the solutions after being stumped. Sadly the ending was lackluster, preoccupied with an overlong explanation of What Is Really Going On rather than tying things together in a satisfying way mechanically. Still, The Sexy Brutale has enough good ideas that it held my interest well enough through its 5 hours, I just think it could have been so much more.

Tons of style and fun gameplay mechanics to play with. I really wish the world and story clicked more with me beyond just the vibes.

Dontnod's best looking game is also their least interesting. Can we stop comparing everything to Twin Peaks just because it has a small town and some trees?

An excellent sendoff to an excellent series.

The soundscape of this game is so unique, I love it.

Housemarque really got tired of waiting on Nintendo to make another Metroid Prime game and took matters into their own hands.

Bugsnax has a surprisingly gripping story with great characters and nuanced arcs. It's a shame that its biggest flaw is so critical: catching the bugsnax just isn't very fun or interesting most of the time.

Unflinching and nuanced, there are no easy answers here, but Depression Quest still manages to carry a message of hope in the darkness.