Really liked the story and the art direction, it's a shame that it is held back at times by frustrating level design and controls.

"I'm having fun. It feels like a tiny little life."

Housemarque really got tired of waiting on Nintendo to make another Metroid Prime game and took matters into their own hands.

An excellent sendoff to an excellent series.

A jumble of story and tone connected by the thinnest threads imaginable. The whole thing feels half-baked in a way that Annapurna games usually aren't.

The crafting and island customization aspects of New Horizons put it ahead of most others in the series, particularly in adding potential longevity to the gameplay loop. However, I think it just falls short of New Leaf's personality and charm. I'm excited to see where the game goes from here now that Nintendo has finally embraced incremental updates.

Starts out as amusing satire but quickly grows tiresome.

I don't normally love the 2D Zelda games like I do the 3D ones, but something about this remake really resonated with me. It might just be the art style, but after playing this I'm eager to give more of the top-down Zeldas another try.

It's a fun arcade racer, but not having an online multiplayer mode is a huge letdown.

This game is at its best when it's given you all of the clues, and then leaves it up to you to put it all together. Thankfully most cases end up like that rather than ramrodding you to one conclusion.

It feels a little dated at times, but not in a way that adversely affects the gameplay. All in all, if you want a good few mysteries to solve this is very much worth your time.

Like most Jackbox games, it's fine, and the amount of fun you have depends entirely on you and your friends. This one has Among Us But Worse, which is still admittedly pretty fun.

It did not take long for me to realize this game just wasn't for me.