Turn-based combat is fine. Luck based combat, is fine. Combining the two is awful. I love the lore, world, and characters of this game... but this game is 80% gameplay, and the gameplay is terrrrrrrrible. Please use a guide when you play this, otherwise your life is going to suck.

I'm sorry, I know this game has a way better story than Fallout 1, but the gameplay is almost the exact same and it is unbearable. I cannot stand how sluggish and completely bogus (wow, I used the word bogus, that's really fucking upsetting) the combat feels. Seriously, I cannot deal with this shit.

The setting is interesting, but the story is very bland, and the acting isn't the best. It's basically just Fallout 1 & 2 combined and mixed with Oblivion's Engine. Not bad, but not really that good either. Still, it beats playing the original two or 4 anyday.

I really only like the gameplay and building settlements. This is quite literally the worst mainline Fallout plot ever made, shamelessly ripping off New Vegas without keeping any of the nuance. At least building settlements is fun, also doing drugs... but don't tell Preston. Please, otherwise he won't leave me alone.

God, I want this game again so bad. I rented it a bunch as a kid, but then my PS2 died. I miss this game, it's like the parental figure I wish I had. It taught me many things, but mostly that I really love Dragon Ball.

The best game of the original trilogy. I love the first half of this game, it is a very fluid experience up to the fight with Ornstein and Smough, and is incredibly rewarding. Despite the second half of the game being a way more open experience, I think it suffers from serious design flaws and terrible gimmicks. The DLC area is incredible though, and I loved most of the fights in the game. The Four Kings however can kiss my ass, I hate them so god damned much. Also I somehow beat Manus on my first try without a summon... I have no idea how the hell I did that. Also Black Knight Halberd for the win, I don't care if that makes me a goober, that weapon is boss.

Fun game. I liked the part where she fused.

I'm not a schizophrenic, the true schizophrenics were the friends who died along the way... except for maybe the bitch with a ponytail. Nihilism be damned.

I grew up alongside this game. To say it was my childhood is a understatement. Also, Black Mage for life baby!

I like the part where I went Super Saiyan... too bad the other races don't have genuine transformation options in this entry.

Hey, every race can transform now. Also the Figure Battles are somehow the best part about this game?

I like the part where there's Goku.

I'll have to play the other stories at some point, but main game Shovel Knight is pretty good fun... even if I got pissed off at points.


The Binding of Issac and Mega Man X make a child: It isn't that good sadly.

Pretty solid port I'd say, I had fun playing both, even if 2 is kind of weird as hell. They're both engaging in their own way.

I hated this game so much I pissed on it and then sold it to a discount games shop for ten bucks. This game ruined my fucking life, and it deserves to burn. It is the single most uninspired Smash game ever made, nothing is good about it, and everything in it was made better in Ultimate. Fuck this game, and screw all of the pedophiles who got famous because of it.