I love this game's aesthetic and the fact that it reminds me a lot of Mega Man X, but I don't jive with the flying levels very much. I'll have to finish it someday when I get the time.

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I understand why people love this game, and while it is not my favorite Final Fantasy, I get the love.

The remake on the other hand spits on the face of everything this game is, and I hate Tetsuya Nomura for twisting it into a time travel/inter-dimension crappy thing.

Good game, good combat. One of the few fighting games I actually enjoy playing. Still doesn't help my depression, but I can play as Super Saiyan Vegeta in his Saiyan Saga outfit and that's really all I need.

Gen Three is pretty damned solid, and the trumpets only make it even more solid. Thanks for the Nuzlocke challenge.

The single best Pokemon game to be released that is not a remake. This is where the franchise peaked quality wise, and we have never recaptured its majesty since.

The best Pokemon Remake. There's nothing I can say other than play it, and then thank Arceus you were alive to do so.

Luigi is pretty dope, I love Luigi U.

It's fucking Wii Sports.

Such a beautiful game with masterfully orchestrated tracks from the series... It's too bad the gameplay is about as deep as a pothole. At least the cutscenes are cool... also you can drive cars, ain't that just hilarious?

The PC Port of the game is pretty meh, but I liked Tails, Knuckles, and Gamma's gameplay, and tolerated Amy's. Sonic and Big on the otherhand are borderline unplayable for two different reasons. Also I 100% the game, and by the way the Chao Garden is the worst part of the game. I don't care how controversial that take is, the Chaos should never have been tied to 100% completion and I had to use cheats in order to get the last two medals which were tied to them because I was not going to waste real time days of my life to raise these stupid fucking Tomagachis.

This game didn't age well. Literally only one gameplay style is fun to play, and the story is just nonsensical to the point of being laughable. I'd rather play it than Heroes though.

Pretty fun when playing with the family, but also chaotic as all hell. I had the most fun just playing solo Luigi, because Luigi is the true star of these games.

I may pick this game up again, but regardless it set the roots for a franchise of greatness... except for Smash 4, that game just fucking sucks ass.

Fun to play with friends, also incredibly chaotic.

I like the part where there's Yoshi.