This game is only worthwhile when the 4 precious classic games are a memory. I played this immediately after finishing them and it felt so tired and unoriginal

Fun game. Feels like it goes too crazy on the damage scaling which is honestly my biggest problem with it. I There’s not really much to say in terms of gameplay but the game is beautiful. I remember the first time I stepped into irythll and it felt magical

We’ll never get a Pokémon remake this good again. There was almost too much content here

This is my first metal gear game and I had fun. The story felt very sloppy but this felt like one of those movies you watch for a good time and not really think about. I’m gonna be real here though ocelot is awesome and im excited to see a lot more of him in the coming future

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I think In terms of story presentation this is where the mainline smt games peaked. Descending from mikado tower just to find out it’s a post apocalyptic Tokyo is such an intriguing and mystifying feeling. The music and art direction in this game is near perfect and I love constantly fusing new demons. My only real complaints are how broken smirk is and how bland the dungeon exploration feels but I still enjoyed every second of this

The only zones I had genuine fun in were green hill , spring yard , and starlight zone but it’s not a bad game it’s definitely playable but it’s just ok. I don’t understand the philosophy of making really slow stop and go level design like in marble zone when this characters whole selling point is how fast he is

Very nice. It’s like if Pokémon was a serious rpg that respects its players enough to expect them to understand moral conflicts

Standard fire emblem gameplay it’s ok here too but there’s really stinky sections like the fog map with zephiel. I find the plot to also be super boring until nearly the very end and also never got the appeal of lyn as a character

Few things in this world can get me emotional like the ending to the pacifist route of this game. I never finished genocide cuz it felt really boring to play through but there’s something so eerie about how characters will have specific dialogue about whichever play through you did first

I can’t remember the last time I had this much fun playing a game. The music and art style blew me away but I had the game crash on cutscenes that were very important to the story and the combat / boss battles actually suck. Those things don’t ruin it for me though

There’s no way Jeff Kaplan isn’t hurt by how they massacred his baby. The only time I play this is when a girl asks me to

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I started with 0 so maybe I was spoiled in that regard but this game was just “Ok” compared to that in my opinion. The story was well executed here but they didn’t let dramatic moments and death scenes linger long enough and show their effect on kiryu until the very end. I feel like more time should’ve been given to show him trying to cope because he literally lost the most important people in his life during the end half of this game. Another thing that feels jank and rough around the edges was the combat. The new feature where bosses can recover in combat doesn’t seem balanced at all and I had a strange issue where enemies I would attack from behind would rotate around mid combo and start blocking in the middle of it and the closest thing the player can do in that regard is countering in brawler style. My last gameplay complaint is that fighting any sort of armed enemy is or enemies in groups is abysmal because no matter how much I equipped dragon shirt and upgraded my defenses any small poke from a knife turns kiryus knees into jelly. Honestly the plot was really solid and well executed aside from the very telegraphed predictable death scenes. When I saw the grenade laying next to shimano I just sighed because I knew what was going to happen. Or when characters magically teleport in front of bullets after the triggers are pulled. I still think the story’s themes of found family are very beautiful and the final shot of Haruka and Uncle Kaz walking off put a tear in my eye. Solid game but it could’ve easily been so much better

As much as the “it really makes you FEEL like ___” trope has been done to death in superhero game reviews I really felt like Spider-Man here. The quick and smooth combat, suits with sometimes deep comic connection , story that actually had stakes (which with the way they’ve been handling peters Spider-Man in the comics is extremely rare nowadays) and awesome story set pieces i had a great time here. It sometimes felt like a movie instead of a game at times with how investing it is. I will say though stealth gameplay was very clunky and when you have to play as miles and Mj it drags even though it’s not entirely bad

The cheap ambush spawns make me think the developers of this game got too excited with the new event scripting that allowed them to have certain events play out when you pick up items and went overboard. Completely erases the skill based formula of doom 1 but super shotgun is awesome

Get a group of 3-4 people with a basic knowledge of dragon ball and casual fighting game experience and this basically becomes a party game