My issues with this game are almost all narrative related, I feel like it's extremely rushed and quite terribly paced, as for gameplay the new additions are welcome but some of the core systems that I disliked in the first game persisted.

Kind of surprised the public reception of this game is so positive, no one's really talking about this game's shortcomings and I find that disappointing.

I don't actually like this game I just think it's incredibly funny

this game is not fit for human consumption

Everyone got filtered by this game, you simply don't get it

I really don't know why I kept coming back

i always imagine that edit of this cover with the hunter holding tesco bags

On a very functional level, this game is nothing new, Rockstar haven't really changed their formula since GTA 3...
But with all that said, NONE of the issues that people have brought up detract from my experience with this game.

Yes I do recognise the issues with it, but my experience was still nothing short of extradionary.

This and like 2 other games saved the recent indie scene for me, I want more ambitious and interesting projects like this instead of the usual 2D pixel art roguelike/metroidvanina with a incredibly vague/nonexistent plotline

What the fuck was Suda smoking

This is peak performance, nothing compares

Would've honestly traded some of the world size and main quests for some dungeons