32 Reviews liked by CapsuleFlyer

this is literally the biggest lie i experienced in the history of this franchise, this whole quest, is a joke, a bad one.

Dark Souls 2 haters when you ask them if they ever played the game.

Pretty nice fun game. If you liked Dark Souls and have also played every other souls game that exists, then this one is cool and fun and has a lot going for it despite the obvious drawbacks compared to the other souls titles. I can't say this is one I'd recommend anyone jump on unless you've played every other fromsoft game and are looking for another one. It has a lot of thematic value and I think that makes it worth it but a lot of the areas become a little forgettable compared to DS1 and it can often rely on really really unfair gimmicks during level design to trip you up that were unavoidable unless you knew it was there. I don't mean mimics or the exploding crystal lizards, more when 5 enemies will gank you at once, or a guy behind a wall that you didnt know was there will pull a lever spawning 4 tough enemies, or a ghost in a wall that'll hit you from a ladder that you can't avoid, or enemies that explode but are hidden in cells that you couldn't have known were there and will kill you with an explosion through a wall. The game has some unfair elements and some really forgettable bosses and levels, but despite that, despite it all, it's fun, I enjoyed my time with it and I'm glad I played it, even if just because it's a part of the history of one of the most famous game companies there is.

[Glass him] hopefully being immortalised as the biggest, most inappropriately hilarious miscommunication between gamedev and player ever.

One of my all time favourite video game vibes is riding my motorbike over the bridge at sunset in Vice City while "I Ran" by A Flock of Seagulls blasts out.

Atmospherically and visually impactful yet narratively messy with inconsistent themes and nearly no connection to the original game. The story could've been told as a new IP, it being Senua adds nothing of value. The voices which added depth to her character in the original act only as narrative yellow paint to explain every inch of a story that could've had more subtext if it wasn't completely subtracted by the voices overexplaining and negating any depth.

The gameplay is somehow even more shallow than the original which was at least paced better and had a story worth experiencing to back it up. Here the fights last so long it's comical for a system as shallow as it is and the puzzles are not puzzles in any sense of the word.

no good.

eight year old me knew this was THE shit

GooeyScale: 70/100

Uhhh, I've got mixed feelings on this one. Big fan of the original Hades here. I know most people probably play these games because the gods are hotties, but I really enjoyed the roguelite progression in the first one. They struck a great balance between getting more minor upgrades after each run, while also making each run harder via the Heat system. And that's still mostly the case here, so I really like that about this game too.

But besides that this sequel appeals less to me than the original. The minor buffs you got in Hades 1 are now cards that you have to manually select which buff you want and which you don't. And this is just super boring to me.

'Hmm, do I want the upgrade that gives me 2% more magic per combat or the one that gives some of my attacks 3% chance to deal double damage?'
Nothing feels more amazing than buying a new card that sounds interesting only to not have the grasp to equip it.

The game already gets more difficult the more you play, with this game's version of the Pact of Punishment. So fiddling around in boring menus deciding which cards to select, which resource tool I use for this run, and which keepsake fits best here each and every time became very tedious very quickly.

I'm sure the designer of this game could in excruciating detail explain why making all the buffs like this is more 'fair' than just stacking them over the whole game like in Hades 1. But the way I perceive it, the game almost feels overdesigned. Every, little, thing is optimized and tested to be either too good or too bad. And it just flattens the experience for me. Getting a boon is a pick between a bunch of options that aren't going to feel great when I pick them up. They're again just minor buffs that are just good enough to not make the game feel unfair.

I won't go over every mechanic that's in the game or I'll never finish this log, but as a final example I want to highlight the new weapons. None of them felt exciting to use when I first picked them. They were all kinda eh. Not good nor bad weapons. Maybe with the exception of the torches. That one just feels lame to use. And now your attacks, specials and cats have an OMEGA version that use a limited magic-type resource each combat. These are far cooler but again limited use. So now there are twice as many things to upgrade and dillute the pool of boons with. It's rare when I find a cool synergy in this game, while it happened almost every run in Hades 1.

A new region that's been added is one where the maps are huge and you can roam around in freely. Whatever good pacing there was in your run grinds to a halt here, as I'd look around every corner of the map to find the rewards that were necessary to continue. It's not like the game would be too short if there wasn't a scavanger hunt in the middle. The bosses are way beefier than they were in the original and already do a great job padding the game out further. Especially the last two bosses will often do attacks that force you to stay back and wait until it's safe to damage them again.

Credit where credit's due, the final boss is amazing aesthetically. It's much more grandiose than the snow fight with Hades. Love it!

I'll give the game another shot when it's out of EA and update this log with my final thoughts.

this game is the bisexual of Hades II

GooeyScale: 90/100

great visuals, aesthetics, tight controls and vibes. the game tries to hide everything from you and i love that. post-game progression could definitely be streamlined though

One of the most beautiful games I think I've ever played. Every single moving part is precise and intentional. The themes are cohesive and focussed. The game never ever does anything "just 'cause", the game is using narrative, gameplay and structure to inform it's themes and message and it's done to absolute perfection. Every single part of this thing, even things you may think on first glance was a weird design choice is by design and the game doesn't care if you get it or not. It has something to say, and it says it. It's poignant, it's deeply valuable and it has forever altered the way I view my life. A masterpiece.

getting on backloggd and finding out people here like THIS even though this should be the very title they hate the most was a shock to me

A poorly written game that tries to tackle racial politics with zero subtlety which results in a story where the main two characters do FUCKING NOTHING for 80% of each episode until they're confronted by "mexican hater, the minority abuser" at the end of each episode for shitty artifical conflict.