Games I played in 2022 ranked

New year, same old set up with new games and looser restrictions. Only requirement is that I have to have a good feel for them and see what the primary gameplay loop is about.

Kuukiyomi 3: Consider It More and More!! - Father to Son
Kuukiyomi 3: Consider It More and More!! - Father to Son
Consider the trilogy defeated.


Super Metroid
Super Metroid
Yeah, this game kind of annoyed me with just how much it loved to hide stuff without any obvious indication at times, how lost I can feel, and from just how annoying the controls can be, ESPECIALLY for wall-jumping. I get it; these are things that metroidvanias are good at and that's why they're popular, but for me, this game kind of killed off any remaining interest I may have had in the Metroid franchise.

The SP version which gave you all the powerups was nice though.


Triangle Strategy
Triangle Strategy
Somedays I need to wake up and tell myself I’m not a turn based strategy guy.


Mario Kart Tour
Mario Kart Tour
Good premise brought down by shady micro-transactions littering the place.


FAR: Lone Sails
FAR: Lone Sails
Definitely a more unique idea on the "walking simulator" type game, but it's still a boring drag to play, even with the whole machine aspect.


Ice Climber
Ice Climber
Simplistic and easy to understand score attack game with slippery controls making it feel like you're on ice.

Okay, that's the point, but it's still not enjoyable.


Shadow of the Colossus
Shadow of the Colossus
I really wanted to like this game, but the fact that I was bored by slaying Colossus beings says it all.


Death Stranding: Director's Cut
Death Stranding: Director's Cut
Totally Reliable Delivery Service exists. This game is just that, and it's lucky it came out first. Still doesn't mean I rather play this than that.


Kill It With Fire
Kill It With Fire
A perfect re-enactment of how I go around killing bugs that I know entered my home. Just less deadly and more cursing.


Forza Horizon 5
Forza Horizon 5
Mario Kart and Crash Team Racing spoiled me


Yeah, I tried to play it during the Steam Sale, but man it just wasn't fun. Maybe I'm too small brain for card games, but even when I was winning I wasn't having fun.

Edit: Tried it out again, and it was better than I thought, but man, I just really find the card deck aspect to be utterly boring.


Elden Ring
Elden Ring
Doesn't really ring out any positive emotions from me.


Super Mario Sunshine
Super Mario Sunshine
How the hell do you make a bad Mario game? Balan Wonderworld was a better 3D platformer. BALAN. WONDERWORLD.


Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
Okay, now I KNOW I would have not been a Sonic fan in the console war. There are way too many times in this game that I felt like I died to something that just wasn't my fault.


Ice Age: Scrat's Nutty Adventure
Ice Age: Scrat's Nutty Adventure
This looks like a PS2 game with a PS1 camera and bland repetitive gameplay a la the worst shooters from the PS3 that I was able to play on the PS5 in the year 2022 when it came out in 2019 on the PS4.

Basically, it's bad.


This is just a charming idea let down heavily by just how boring the game is and how terrible the controls can be.


Pocket Mini Golf
Pocket Mini Golf
It's mini golf and it's extremely limited. At least the title is true.


F-Zero X
F-Zero X
F-ZERO OUTTA 10! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH, actually more like 4 outta 10.


Boris and the Dark Survival
Boris and the Dark Survival
This was actively boring to play through. It just feels so mindless.


Spec Ops: The Line
Spec Ops: The Line
As funny man Peter Griffin once said, It insists upon itself.


I already forgot about it even after playing it 5 minutes ago.


Chungus Rampage in Big Forest
Chungus Rampage in Big Forest
At least it didn't involve any inhumane working conditions.


The Last of Us Part II
The Last of Us Part II
Abby was right.


1 Comment

1 year ago

good list bro I enjoyed reading some of your comments gonna check out love you to bits

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