Know what? Fuck it; Balan Wonderworld is a fun game. Sure it's not perfect with the minigames and Balan Bouts, but honestly, the other complaints really didn't register with me? Can't jump in certain costumes? There are ramps and stairs everywhere for you to climb back upon. I can only think of one case where I had to damage myself to get out of my costumes, but that was really it. The game was also very open with how I could get the trophies. I could wait till I got the cog costume to get a trophy out off the platform, but sacrificing my flutter jump costume to get it works too. If you're in the mood for something a bit more unconventional, Balan Wonderworld may be worth looking into.

It was fine; just a game that has been done better in later sequels. Pointless going back here.

I did it, my childhood self. I finally beaten the game.

SNAP! That one's going in my cringe compilation.

Now, this is the Fairly Oddparents game with actual meat on its bones. Collectibles and a shop to buy stuff from, great cutscene animations in comparison to the first game, and much more polished gameplay make this the better of the two.

Utterly useless and not needed thanks to Shadow Showdown existing. A obvious beta for the much better Fairly Oddparents game.

She’s got her hair tied up in braids, and glasses perched up on her face! She is a small girl! Taking on a big world! With inventions she made!

More of the same, and more of the lame.

A charming idea that really struggles in the US due to how customs like were to let people pass you on an elevator, and gameplay-wise for not knowing how to do what you want to be considerate.

This is NOT Super Meat Boy. It's an endless runner with randomly generated levels in Super Meat Boy's skin.

You wanted me to play through the same level THREE different times as different characters?!? For the rest of the game?!? Fuck out of here.

Fun in small doses, but with all news stories leaking out, I wouldn't blame you for not playing it.

The game that Valve wishes it could ignore despite all the fans telling them to get their shit together.

I wouldn't have touched it in the first place had it not been for a friend randomly giving it to me out of the blue. It was fun before all the controversies rolled in.

You play as a damned soul trapped to serve a evil enchantress while wearing a special cloak that can make you skateboard.