Pochi fixed my water supply, harvested my crops, and delivered vaccines to my home.

...Ok he didn't, but he's still the best boy.

So proud of my nephews for managing to beat this game. I was there to help them play the game, being player one, but they were very good at it.

You aren't a true gamer till you get the second key door open on the first key. I just have a very good gaming chair.

Now this is my childhood. While you guys were spinning into boxes, I was running around the Pickle's house in a race against Angelica looking for cookies.

One of these stars is just for Margaret Moonlight. Her bossfight and stage slaps that damn hard.

If I grew up with this instead of NMH2 I probably would have preferred this game. But alas, I don't like the overworld and entry fees and jobs. At least they're gone for good thanks to NMH2, right? ...Right?

Frobisher Says...just play Warioware!

I respect the games for what they are, but I'm gonna respect them from a safe distance.


The very definition of a middle-of-the-road game when playing through the single player mode.

I'll take beating Suguri's campaign to the grave with pride.

I think I just had to be born earlier to fully like this.

Sonic Forces himself into my home and pisses on my wife.

Know what? Fuck it; Balan Wonderworld is a fun game. Sure it's not perfect with the minigames and Balan Bouts, but honestly, the other complaints really didn't register with me? Can't jump in certain costumes? There are ramps and stairs everywhere for you to climb back upon. I can only think of one case where I had to damage myself to get out of my costumes, but that was really it. The game was also very open with how I could get the trophies. I could wait till I got the cog costume to get a trophy out off the platform, but sacrificing my flutter jump costume to get it works too. If you're in the mood for something a bit more unconventional, Balan Wonderworld may be worth looking into.

It was fine; just a game that has been done better in later sequels. Pointless going back here.