Another beautiful game like Journey! relax and enjoy the experience

Beautiful visuals and a really great crafted story without a single world of dialogue ever being spoken.

Go into the game as blind as possible and you'll have a 'interesting' time!


Limbo is horrifically beautiful. A 2D puzzle-platformer built in black, grey and white.

Hands down one of the greatest trilogies of all time!

Great game. It gets heavily criticized for not being the same as the Original Mass Effect games. But I think its enjoyable on its own merit and takes the series into a new direction.

The most important game in the world for small town college dropouts in their early 20s with commonly misunderstood mental health issues!

Insanely overlooked RPG! Extremely looking forward to the sequel.

I had a really enjoyable experience playing through the remastered collection with Final Fantasy IV and V being my personal favourites.

Yuna is the main highlight of the whole game. The story is mostly flawed and had so much potential to be great but just misses the mark in key moments. Gameplay though is overall fun and light hearted.

Easily one of the best Final Fantasy games of all time!

The combat system can be tailored to suit a large variety of play styles and difficulties.

I managed to sink over 100 hours in just one playthrough due to the amount of content bundled together in one awesome journey!

Very underrated Final Fantasy game that deserves more praise for how well written Lightning is a main protagonist. A fantastic start to the XIII trilogy.

Lightning Returns for the final chapter in the XIII trilogy with well crafted and designed locations and a day/night cycle that results in some mixed results gameplay wise but overall it plays into the overarching main plot without feeling overwhelming in any way.