Simply a phenomenal game that is extremely creative and brings a nice spoonful of horror to the table with a story you didn't expect.

My first experience with the Final Fantasy series and what a great first time experience it was. Wonderful emotionally well written storytelling in a world that felt deep in lore and interesting and well designed locations and characters.

Gameplay felt flawless with fast paced combat and gorgeous visuals. The main menu theme sets the tone of the game perfectly with a beautiful Original soundtrack.
Highly recommend!

One of my favourites in the series!

You get two great games and Devil May Cry 2!

Although Devil May Cry 2 is the black sheep of the series i still find the game somewhat enjoyable in a odd way. The game has a small handful of good boss designs but the lack of story and satisfying combat really drags it down.

Devil May Cry 3 though makes up for all of that and redeemed the series to legendary status for the hack and slash genre.

Emo kid yells "Kyrie" for several hours then beats up the pope (featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series)

Underrated and overhated!

Just don't compare it to a mainline DMC and you'll have fun.



I really enjoyed the game and Bayek. Gameplay was kinda lacking but the story was good!

"Great.. we have a dog now and Alistair is still the dumbest one in the party." -Morrigan

Dragon Age II is a deeply flawed game. With a very rushed development and plenty of cut content. The game really suffers as a sequel to Dragon Age Origins. The saving grace for II is the cast of characters and companions that give this game some well needed love!

Highly recommend this game even in 2023!

Cassandra is the best! <3

Worst in the trilogy but the large mass of different locations to explore makes it feel like a well designed adventure.

Outstanding combat with a immense attention to weapon/skill/magic builds and crazy intense boss battles. Challenging but never unfair or cruel!