"This is my Kingdom... SO YOU VANISH! SHOWTIME!"

Still one of the best 2D Kirby games. Love the mega power ups and the final fight.
CROWNED still one of the best ost of this franchise.

Insert Nova meme here, but pixelated

Insert Nova meme here

Controls are a bit clunky while defending, but for the rest, it's a great Kirby title. Prefered this over the original!

Kirby's back in 3D and... GOD! It's so good! The levels, the enemies and the bosses! I just need to finish the Ultimate Arena, but completed all the rest! What a great game!

Gameplay wise is repetitive, but what an ending. What a story. I... liked it. I miss Ephemer.

Don't waste your money on a game that could have been of Kairi and not ... of anyone else. I hate it. Thanks Square.

Underrated game of the Kingdom Hearts saga. It just explains that digital Worlds exist (you don't say?) but the combat system is soooo good.

When everything fell off. Just... why add all those things to the story? Why?
Gameplay wise is good. For the rest, not so much.

Alarms of low Health beeps caused by secret bosses
Repeating the same story three times is... a mess.

Why a card system. Just why. Loved the Organization and the idea behind Castle Oblivion.

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I won't forget you, Xion.

A very good game... But with big story problems. I love the gameplay tho and Re:Mind is good.

"Seems like my summer vacation is over..."

"You are wrong, Ansem! I know that Kingdom Hearts... is light!"

A cute fable that seems like a faded memory during the recent games. I miss those times. Good combat, but I prefer the gameplay of the second/third game