Those trumpets fill my ears when talking about childhood. Can you ever forget your first Pokémon adventure?
Ratings are often based on what we felt, not the game itself. Maybe it's a five star for both, this time.

Born in a world of Strives
Against the Odds
We chose to fight!

The 10/10 game for Wii. This game is perfect. Literally Perfect. I like everything about it. From the characters, the music (Yoko Shimomura, Ace and Mitsuda composed HEAVENLY soundtracks) and the gameplay. I'm really feeling it!

An Arcade in my FNAF?! And there is L O R E?!

A great way to start once again a saga. My first Resident Evil, it was a good game with a simple plot and a feeling of horror not only concentrated in the gore factor (something that a lot of horror game focus, but fail to use the "horror" in the other aspect of the games). Great ambiance and good characters. Welcome to the family!

Don't get me wrong, it's a good game. But after seeing the original and finishing it, it does not feel the same, just something inspired by it and with less content (for an even shorter game!!!). Combat wise it's ok, but the use they make of the Nemesis is... wasteful. Even Jill feels like a damsel in distress (literally Carlos does EVERYTHING).

Pizza Tower is indie game of 2023. End of the story: a game full of fun, secrets, easter eggs and adrenaline. Running through each UNIQUE stage is an incredible sensation that climax when "It's Pizza Time!" starts to play and ends with "The Death I Deservioli". Even if it lacks any dialogue, the characters feel alive and with incredible designs. A must to play.

Artyom, move!
A good post-apocalyptic (even if you are IN the apocalypse. Welp) with a good combat and a fantastic story. Won't spoil much but this game is like playing a book... Which it's the truth, actually! It really makes you wonder how the books are.


Completed 100%, a cute trilogy of short games narrating the adventures of this incredible and strange duo. As any game in the Wolf Engine, combat is bad (not awful like some RPG Maker VX Ace games). Give it a try, you'll really like it if you like the Rpg Horror genre

The ending and the alternate ending got me on the edge of my seat. What a great way to end this game, a story of illusions and betrayal.
If you liked the first, you are gonna love this one.

A great pixelated Horror with a lot of Lovecraftian Inspiration. Fantastic soundtrack and, even if simple, a great story with an incredible plot twist.

I'm playing as an alien kid with a top hat fighting a bad girl with mustaches. Game of the Century.

Doctor Freeman...
The most memorable Valve game after Team Fortress 2. A game with some of my favourite weapons ever, aged with the Source Engine to enhance the creepy aesthetic of some areas. I really like it.

Fast paced, stealthy, unlimited resources...
Until a bug kills one of the guards, a bomb explodes because why not and you have to save for every room you enter. Still a great game, you can clearly see it's a Bethesda Game

Made all the endings and I still think is one of the best cyberpunk game out there in the market. Adam is a good main character, with an interesting story and opens up the conflict of evolution for the human body and mind.
Something I would gladly replay to finish it 100%. But... for a kill I had not made, I could not get the full pacifist achievement. Still angry about that.