I don't know if this is reflective of the game itself, but it did actively make my life worse for several years, and my life has measurably improved in many ways since I stopped playing it.

Do you want to watch a subpar obnoxiously centrist outdated parody of news media but with a bunch of tedious nonsense buttons you have to press to avoid annoying buzzer noises? Then this is the game for you.

pending more writing, I'll say this:
It's not a good game, but it is a great game.

A great engine for generating emergent narratives that feel like they should end with "...The Aristocrats!"

good actors working with some of the worst material of their careers. Writing that sometimes, occasionally, manages to get something close to real across, but is constantly undermined. The best quantic dream game.

The real treasure of this game is that you can watch the entirety of To Kill a Mockingbird in it.

Yes, this game is awful in all respects - a barely playable piece of fascist-imperialist propaganda that celebrates nothing and hates all humanity. It is also really, really funny, entirely on accident. Do not play this, just watch someone else play it (lots of fun let's plays of it exist, like the chip & ironicus one) and have a laugh.

when you see your boy and know you're about to have a jelly good time

How the fuck am I supposed to rate dwarf fortress?

Diversity Win! The Three People Who Just Downloaded Your Brain Are Girlfriends!

when you see your mates and know you're about to have a clay old time


not even a finished product yet and already it is one of the most amazing works of science fiction media period.

I'm mostly obligated to give this 5 stars because it literally saved my life once. Also, it's good!

seems like it wants very badly to be more than it is. Makes gestures at grander ideas but never fully explores them, and instead sits in the "comfortable" space of shooting guys when it could more fully embrace its immersive sim inspirations. When it makes a good aesthetic choice, it does it very well, however, and the core gameplay loop, while perhaps uninspired, is relatively fun.
EDIT: Giving this one an extra half-star for being boldly ugly. Always gotta appreciate a game that goes out of its way to look messed up and weird.