like Beyond: Two Souls, there are a couple moments in here that are genuinely good, and even a character or two who are genuinely charming, but that can only carry your game so far when the story itself is so poorly conceived and written.

Excellent writing, could use a better sense of what makes tabletop role-playing games a great medium (and needs to embrace modern advances in that medium like failing forward) since it seems like that's what it's going for. That being said, seriously, the writing and art style of this game are really good and more than worth going through a slightly sub-par tabletop campaign to experience.

A beautiful, mystical, dreamlike and musical story about how if The Hero's Journey happened to you, it would be tragic and really suck. Fair warning: most of the characters in this game talk like terminally online teenagers about half the time, but seriously, it's worth it.


Supergiant's worst game so far.

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mostly very good. there are a couple things during the ending of the game that are so stupid I want to mod them out of the game.

Completely unnecessary. Horrible things happen to a little girl, and for what? The imagery is mostly really basic, and you really learn everything you need to know about the titular Lisa's past in The Painful and The Joyful. Skip this one.

Please don't make me talk about kingdom hearts

I heard someone say this once and I think it sums it up well:
The Outer Worlds is a sub-par Obsidian game, which means it's better than most video games.

A good premise spoiled by cack-handed execution and needless convolution of the plot to the point of being comical.

not a good game, really, but an extremely important one.

In an ideal world, there would be at least 2 pages written on every game jam entry and the guys who made Bubsy 3D (not the good one where he visits the James Turrell retrospective) would shit out a game like days gone and nobody would care.