Few games exemplify pieces of my very soul the way Night in the Woods does.

Went into this with extremely low expectations. It's a little over-the-top and blunt with its philosophizing, but I still really liked the final ending I got the first time around. I'll probably play it again sometime.

One of the Most video games of all time

I'm mostly obligated to give this 5 stars because it literally saved my life once. Also, it's good!

Hey Borderlands, you're set in sort of a sci-fi rust belt where rampant industrialization and subsequent ecomonic abandonment has driven people to lead lives of total desperation and violence to survive, can I get some type of interesting or thought-provoking politics from you?
Borderlands: haha dude video game references in the video gaaame... fart shit funnyy...
Like, listen, I like cool explosions and laser guns as much as the next person, but you can't just fill your world with a series of mediocre jokes. You need to give me something substantial to latch on to.

Consistently facilitates magical experiences and little stories through its systems. The most beautiful multiplayer video game I've ever played, in multiple senses of the word.

seems like it wants very badly to be more than it is. Makes gestures at grander ideas but never fully explores them, and instead sits in the "comfortable" space of shooting guys when it could more fully embrace its immersive sim inspirations. When it makes a good aesthetic choice, it does it very well, however, and the core gameplay loop, while perhaps uninspired, is relatively fun.
EDIT: Giving this one an extra half-star for being boldly ugly. Always gotta appreciate a game that goes out of its way to look messed up and weird.

Style carries it so far. Needs to better execute on what it claims to believe in, in a political and philosophical sense, but otherwise very, very good.

Hypnospace is like ice cream... it's good


The best of the classic FPS games. Modular difficulty! Satisfyingly puzzl-y combat! Slurping sound! Stephan Weyte! Caleb is one of the most charming FPS protagonists of this era, and it's a good thing the game he's in actually kind of rocks. Where's my next gen Blood reboot?

Very well written and charming, but also lacking in the combat mechanics department. I'm more than fine with games that are more book-like, but I was sort of expecting something more mechanically satisfying to sink my teeth into.

Manages to do for video games what a handful of films and tv shows have already figured out: create a piece of media that is essentially for kids that adults can nonetheless connect to and appreciate on the same level.

not a good game, really, but an extremely important one.

A good premise spoiled by cack-handed execution and needless convolution of the plot to the point of being comical.

In an ideal world, there would be at least 2 pages written on every game jam entry and the guys who made Bubsy 3D (not the good one where he visits the James Turrell retrospective) would shit out a game like days gone and nobody would care.