Amazing game, I will never forget the first time I walked out of the cave on the great plateau. I only could give small complaints on this amazing and endearing journey.

Absolute masterpiece, I can talk about this game for days but I'll sum it up simpler. The games open world is one of the best we have ever seen. The world has a deep lore structure that oozes out as you play. The game has amazing art direction and absolute beauty. The music is also great too and of course the game holds some of the best boss fights in gaming.

Masterpiece. The setting. The art design. The goddamn soundtrack. The gameplay and bosses are amazing too. Then you top it with amazing level design like seriously this game is created masterfully. Then on top of all that perfection you give it a twistedly beautiful story that engrosses you fully? Its too amazing.

The game itself is very whatever, the story itself is very forgettable besides the pig.

I really like this game, I've beaten it multiple times, however I do see its many faults. It's not perfect but it never tries to be perfect. I will always have fond memories of this title.

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The gameplay is about the same or maybe a little less than the original Hyrule warriors however it still is really fun. I also really did like the direction the narrative was pushing but the lack of willingness to tell a tragedy and stick to cannon was very disappointing and ruined this games ending very much so.

I absolutely adore this game, it deserves every bit of praise it has gotten, once you get past the child section the game really goes into fifth gear until the end. Amazing title, from then, to now and forever.

Absolute masterpiece. Ignoring the bad launch and looking at the game now it has so much going for it. The game truly has a phenomenal story and characters. It goes deep into themes of perspective and society. What it means to be a regular human in a crowd. All the characters are very well written and give amazing performances. The games open world is fun to explore and go around. It also holds a top notch OST with some banger sound tracks in it. Another key detail to not forget about this game is its art direction-- Night City truly is horribly beautiful.

Really fun game to play with family, however I've never been a big fan of Mario titles and I am very indifferent about this one. It was fun but nothing special ever.

Fond memories of playing when I was a kid, but the whole game is a large drag and tedious as a whole.

Addicting and fun. Repetative and boring. It really depends the day, sometimes this game is a masterpiece, other times its a drag.

This game was amazing. I'm tempted to rate it higher but it will stay here for some tedious sections of the game and mediocre boss fights, however do not let that stop you from playing this amazing game. It truly deserves more love, this remake makes this game drop dead gorgeous. The gameplay is obviously fun and addicting like any of the souls games. The Ost has some amazing tracks in it. The level design of this game is really great too.

I don't care I'm giving this a 5/5 for the fact on how much wow factor this game has. The game logistically isn't perfect, nor do you have to think it is. But it has amazing level design, gameplay, boss fights, exploration. Then after looking at all of that you take out and look at its amazing OST and lore/story. The world of Dark Souls is truly unforgettable.

The only reason this isn't a half star is because its Pokémon. Almost everything about this game is horrible and I actually wanted to rip my hair off playing the main story, i have no clue why I actually beat this game.

This game houses a beautiful looking open world with great looking Greek architecture. Besides that the game goes on for way too long, has tedious missions, dumb progression designs to force longevity, and a mediocre to bad story.