120 Reviews liked by CleytonGlobson

As rough as Gen 1 Monster Hunter is, I had a pretty good time completing Freedom 1. The busted SNS balance definitely helped with that tho lol
Completed every quest, offline and online. Maybe I'll jump back to craft every armor set one day.

A lot of people will tell you to avoid Freedom 1 at all costs, but I personally disagree with that notion. I think revisiting the older games can be a very interesting experience... IF you're not a newcomer. Instead of "don't touch this EVER", I think the right idea is "give it a shot after you played some of the newer games".

Moreover, online play is possible thanks to emulators, meaning that you can bring some friends too!

My first Monster Hunter game and one of my favorites. Played it for the first time back in 2011, and had a blast online.

In 2021 a private server was released, allowing players to access the long lost city of Loc Lac again. As of this review multiplayer sadly doesn't work, but this might change soon. For now players can tackle online quests solo, making the game fully completable for the first time since 2013.

Tri marked the first major shift in the franchise, with loads of new assets, redesigned armor sets, weapons and monsters. It's also the first time where the combat stiffness started to soften a bit. Jank hitboxes and long attack animations are still here, but I'd say that for the most part(and for the first time lol), hunts are pretty balanced.

In my latest playthrough, I crafted all armor sets available on low rank. Once the private server supports multiplayer, I'll work on grabbing every weapon and High Rank armor.

Picked it back up on PC and my god, is it better. I think the only thing I miss from the original Switch version is the gyro controls. Other than that, PC version all the way.

Rise is, in my opinion, what Monster Hunter World should've been from the start. While World tried to reinvent the wheel with a larger focus on story and environmental detail, Rise instead chooses to go the stylized route, which I think is a better fit for the series. Hunts are quick and snappy, with a soundtrack that makes every fight hype as hell. Rise's visuals are inferior to World's, but that's only on a technical level. In terms of design and personality, Rise knocks it out of the park, with unique weapon designs across the board, and maps that may not be as rich in environmental detail, but instead makes each area of the map easily recognizable, much like the arena-esque maps of games pre-MHW.

Players that got into the series with World will likely not enjoy Rise as much. World chose to go on a wildly different direction for the series, while Rise chooses to be more traditional in terms of its structure and style.

Still, despite my praises, Rise feels just a bit too easy. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I think hunters are way too versatile in comparison to monsters now. It's unlikely that future games will change this, but I'd like to see hunters brought back down, with less gadgets like slingers/claws/wirebugs. Time will tell.

Monster Hunter Tri's expansion, adding a stupid amount of content. Also marks the first time I 100%'d a Monster Hunter game, grabbing ever Award and crafting every piece of equipment in the game.

Thanks to the save transfer feature which allows players to take their Wii U save to the 3DS and back, I spent a lot of time with this one.

It's Tri, but miles better. Not much else to say.

(Time played and finish date are are counting Iceborne)

While World is a fun game, there are a number of things about it that didn't sit very well with me. In particular, the story, music and weapon designs.

I won't include any spoilers in this review, but the story just felt intrusive to me. I don't mind that the series wanted to take a shot at a more compelling story structure, but that's honestly not the reason why I play Monster Hunter. And it would be fine, IF the option to skip cutscenes was there. It's not.
It only gets worse when the game prohibits friends from joining your quests if they haven't watched the cutscene for that specific quest yet.
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, which came out years before on the 3DS had the decency of including your friends alongside you during cutscenes. Why the hell couldn't World do the same?

The music is a huge downgrade from previous games, especially Generations Ultimate. A couple of tracks are better than the rest, mostly the calm village/hub themes, but most of the battle tracks sound like a generic jurassic action movie.

And the weapon designs are just fucking atrocious. Nothing more to say. Just google MHW Brachydios Dual Blades and have fun.

Gameplay is the one thing I can't complain about, basically eliminating all the stiffness from previous games, but considering all the other things that irked me during my playthrough, I can't say World is one of my favorites. I don't care about the story, the huge sprawling environments are annoying to traverse especially when compared to the instanced arena-like maps of previous games, and I don't really give a shit about monsters being more docile and immersive.

World is fine, but it chose to focus on things that I don't particularly think matter that much to Monster Hunter. Games like MH4U had a perfect balance of lore and environment detail while not sacrificing the pace and structure the series is known for.

(Playtime and finish date are counting base MHW)

Iceborne fixed a couple issues I had with the base game, but not by a whole lot. Story is still unskippable, weapon designs are just as uninspired as base World, and they added the fucking Clutch Claw to the game.

At least the soundtrack got better I guess lmao

To quote my original MHW review: World(and Iceborne by extension) is fine, but it chose to focus on things that I don't particularly think matter that much to Monster Hunter. Games like MH4U had a perfect balance of lore and environment detail while not sacrificing the pace and structure the series is known for.

The first Monster Hunter I got to play on release, and it was a LOT of fun. Lobbies were filling up every other minute, it was crazy.

Generations is a sort of "Best of" compilation for the Monster Hunter series, meaning that it ditches the slightly story-focused direction of its predecessor, and instead just dumps a fuck ton of content to the game. Even considering its expansion, just the base version of Generations already has a LOT to do, as well as tons of variety thanks to the Hunting Styles and Arts.

I could go on and on, but Generations is a great game. And it would only get better once Generations Ultimate came out.

An even better version of Generations, with WAY TOO MUCH content. Seriously.
More styles and arts, more monsters, a seemingly endless endgame and some of the best music tracks in the franchise.

If you want to pick one game in the series that'll last you thousands of hours, GU is the one to go for.

Possibly the best game in the series, 4U's only flaw used to be that it was stuck on the 3DS's tiny screen. Now that Citra can run it pretty well, 4 Ultimate is pretty much impeccable.

Featuring a simple yet entertaining story that rarely interrupts the series' traditional Quest - Craft - Quest again gameplay loop. Even when it does, CG cutscenes barely last more than a minute.
It also has a very large roster, perfectly balancing older monsters with newcomers. Said newcomers also have some of best designs out of all the games.

4U is the perfection of the classic Monster Hunter formula. It's no wonder that after it, the series would see major changes with World and Rise (after one last hurrah with Generations/GenUltimate).

If you want to give classic MH a shot, PLEASE play this game. (As of 2022) Online multiplayer is still officially available through the 3DS, and even when the Capcom servers shut down, it's pretty easy to link up two Citra emulators.

This review contains spoilers

A certified classic, though not the first Etrian Odyssey I've played. EO1 lays the foundation on which all other games would be built, which makes it a bit limited when compared to later games. But if you play through the series in reverse order, like I did, I think you'll find some appreciation for the original despite its simplicity.

It certainly features my favorite story out of all the games, funnily enough. The "this is actually a post-apocalyptic story lol :)" twist was very well executed imo.

Tons of charm, and brutal to boot.

The first game in the series that got me to complete the post-game content, and for good reason. EOIII is still the best entry, even when considering the later titles, and it's also my favorite RPG of all time.
With my favorite class building system and my favorite soundtrack ever, I couldn't let go of EOIII until I turned it upside down.
While I prefer the first game's story for how it handled the surprise twist near the end, EOIII's multiple branching paths and endings make it just as entertaining.

... Why does it have to be so expensive tho

Probably the funniest game ever made. Kinda weird to say that about a horror game, but Resident Evil 4 knows exactly what kind of horror it is: deliciously campy horror, of course.

It still has a couple of scares here and there, but Resi 4 is all about giving the player one hell of a time, with an almost perfectly paced campaign that sadly loses some steam by the end.
It also just happens to have one of the most impressive HD mods ever made, which only makes the experience even better.

A classic, and my favorite in the series.

My favorite Castlevania, and one of the most important games in my life. Almost feels kind of silly trying to explain why it's so good when so many other already did it.
More important to me is the fact that this game represents a very strong connection to my brother, who sadly passed away during the pandemic. We would play it every year, competing to see who could get it done first.

Even with the somewhat underwhelming inverted castle, SotN is a thoroughly incredible experience from start to finish, and a perfect game to practice speedrunning imo.

For MMO veterans, A Realm Reborn may feel like a drag. But considering FFXIV was my first MMO, I honestly didn't mind the slow pacing of the story and content progression.
I would never replay it nowadays, but if this is your first time picking up an MMO, just focus on enjoying the ride. It's better than a lot of people make it out to be lol

Even after all these years, Heavensward still represents the highest point in my experience playing FFXIV. Is it nostalgia? Probably yea, but nostalgia has nothing to do with how good this expansion's story is.
There's a reason why(before Shadowbringers) XIV players insisted that newcomers should tank through A Realm Reborn; that's just how good Heavensward's narrative is.

Future expansions would obviously improve in terms of QoL and fidelity, but in terms of story, XIV peaked in HW.