I only played through Final Fantasy 1, cause I wanted to and I've heard 2 is a bit arse. I was really pleasently surprised at how absolutely fine it felt. I'm sure the port to GBA allowed them to update a few things here and there, but it was a fun time wandering about and getting stronger. My 4 year old son sat and watched it with me and we enjoyed filling in the story blanks that the limitations of the original hardware left (Why are we going here, what are the people that live here like, what do the dragons like to eat etc). This sounds like a weird brag, oh look at me, my son has an imagination, please give him £300, but really I just want to highlight that the world, even with it's limitations, is surprisingly engaging, and felt like a place I was adventuring in. A very fun 20-odd hour experience.

Sea Of Thieves is far from a perfect game, but what it did was provide a place for me and friends that I couldn't meet in person to get lost in. Working together and chatting, catching up, laughing and joking, and doing (essentially) virtual escape rooms. It's an incredible game for that, slow paced when you need it to be, but wonderful bonding chaos on the high seas too.

A game that starts well but runs out of ideas quickly and just trudges a boring path to a boring end. A bit of a sad tale which had its interesting moments, but fuck me the chase sequences alone are worth binning this off. I didn't though. Cause I'm a fud.

This is probably my favourite "one of these"! Deeply rewarding to find big daft combos, absolutely kick everything's teeth in, then come up against a boss you had no plan for and have to start again.

Ah this is cool man! Pure mad going like SHYEOW SHING SHING WOOSH BANG BANG and all that. Aye, crackin.

The GBA versions are the best way to play Gen 1 these days, no question. Better looking, sounding, balanced, and all around improved compared to the GB version, and more true to the original vision than the Lets Go editions. An absolute classic.

Only played Spyro 1 so far, but its rock solid 3D platforming! A good laugh, 120%'d it.

Didn't like this one bit. Sluggish, ugly, rotten.

You teach monkeys how to box in this ludicrous virtual pet game. Manic, exciting, stupid. Love it.

Just an amazing pinball game, a lot better than a great many pinball video games made in the interim. Never been a massive Kirby guy, but this is my fav Kirby game by miles.

This game made me sit slack jawed in a daze of productivity. That's a positive review.

Legitimately one of my favourite games of all time. Can get lost in it for hours.

Amazingly, this holds up! Played it for the first time in 2021 and I think it's absolutely worth playing. Even if it is just Resi with Dino's, it's got enough of its own flavour to carry it. Just remember, you should probably just side with the big gruff dude when given the chance, it's probably more simple.