Mediocre track selection and a roster that's a crime against god

This score is because of the theme and nothing else

I am now a master in video game OSTs and can now hate the existence of rap music on the internet to the fullest extent of my powers. Thank you VGM Quiz!

God I loved this game*

A lot of people said this game is one of the best Star Wars narratives out there, and I 100% agree. Pretty much all the characters ranged from simple 'not a repainted movie character we swear' types like Zaalbaar and that one R2 copy I forgot the name of, to actually great characters like Carth, Candorus and especially Bastilla. And the worldbuilding of planets like Dantooine, Korriban, and ancient Tatooine were really cool to learn about and explore*
in probably my overall favorite Star Wars take since Empire Strikes Back, as well as seeing original older versions of things like troopers and the Sith order (turns out Star Wars can be pretty cool if you don't focus exclusively on one family tree and the dozen people and couple planets that surround it, HUH DISNEY?)

But you, clever reader, have probably noticed a few asterisks dotted throughout my review. And that's because while the writing is top shelf Star Wars, this is also a video game, where you have to interact through gameplay.

The gameplay sucks.

God I hope that remake gets back up and comes out, because the gameplay here exists on a scale of 'tedious but bearable' to 'holy shit who playtested this garbage?' Combat is...mostly fine. You make a build, you get party members, and you take it in turns to kill whatever shows up in front of you, standard RPG stuff. But then certain fights (from named Sith especially after the third planet you visit and they start spamming the move that heals them and hurts your entire party at every opportunity.) are actively frustrating. Same with the planet exploration, with all areas being in two categories. The place where people are, where you get to learn about the conflicts and lore from an often neutral position, making both the Sith and Jedi more interesting as a result. These places are great. But then there's the place where gameplay is, where you hang around an area fighting dudes until you find the plot hook and progress. Rince and repeat until you get to the final area and have dozens of guys thrown at you for ages, fight an annoying final boss, and come away satisfied enough.

Overall, it's peak Star Wars wrapped in a layer of shitty and poorly aged gameplay decisions. I absolutely recommend it, but for the love of god don't be ashamed for playing easy.

Introduced Waluigi. It could have been the biggest heap of dogshit ever conceived and it would still be the GOAT for that reason alone.

Fun time and all but loses out on five stars because despite being a celebration of all things Mario with several callbacks, at no point Mario looks to the camera and says 'if you do drugs you go to hell before you die' biggest missed opportunity of the game.

I got more hyped for this as a kid than I do for most AAA releases now. My mom having the game downloaded on her phone when I got home from school was the highlight of 2012

"Hey what if we combined the worst elements of Etrian gameplay with the worst aspects of Persona writing?"-Some Atlus employee around 2012

One of the best written games I've played. The mysteries the story sets up early on are resolved greatly, with one the best casts of characters I've seen in a game. Every alignment feels natural with pros and cons, and all feel like valid options when compared to other MegaTen games, especially with the added context of the 8th day letting you see the results of your actions. Gameplay is great with demons and skill cracking adding tons to the strategic gameplay, even if it does get a tad grindy near the end. A masterpiece in gaming design (And beldr)

One of the best controlling games I've ever played. Mario is a joy to play as, as are the various characters he can control. The worlds are all great takes on standard Mario stages, such as the Mexico inspired sand kingdom or the mechanical forest kingdom. Only real issue is how easy the main game is compared to something like Galaxy, with only the endgame having any real meaty challenge. Overall, it was a joy to play

This is quite possibly the biggest bruh moment in gaming. Possibly media.

The fact it can't legally be played anymore is proof IP laws need to be annihilated

Never getting the hours I spent watching Jacksepticeye play this back am I?