It was cool but nothing particularly special. I really liked the cutesy aesthetics and suffered no glitches yet it still felt just ok. Still a preferable way to play the game over the DS originals.

This is the oldest game as of now that I have finished and it shows. The gameplay is not hard per say but sometimes it feels unfair. And even if all the issues could be solved by backtracking or retrying fights it just felt too time consuming at times. Other than that it was a great game and together with link between worlds I wish to see what else this series has to offer.

By changing the focus of the gameplay to one more focused around catching pokemons and "new" mechanics around these catches I felt they made an step on the right direction. Although it doesn't go as far as I may like it, and feeling that using the setting of the first generation only diminished the opportunities (repeating a bunch of game design decisions like the amount of pokemons or the game progression, or worse and more confusing trying to rework the plot in an awkward way) if Nintendo wishes to decrease the importance of the rpg elements and in turn focus on what made the series special (the collecting aspect) then they seem on the right track.

Surprisingly much better than I expected seeing all the criticism it received but as far as im aware it is mostly due to glitches that where patched out. It would almost be a perfect game if not for the G-d awful repeatition of the gameplay formula that was so painful and thats coming from someone who enjoyed it a lot and didn't had issues with other similar games when it came to repeatition.

While fallout 1 took me some weeks to finish fallout 2 took me years. Even though the main issue was the poor balancing the writting and atmosphere just kept making me avoid this game. In retrospect is weird to see how both Bethesda and Obsidian mainly tried to recreate fallout using the ideas and lore introduced in 2 to various degrees of success.

It feels like a bunch of poor excuses of plot devices meant to pull you to the next power fantasy or moral quandary that is really gritty.

Well there definitely was an improvement from the first one in the sense they learned how to make a game or the concept of game design, and I could even say it was a great game if not for the fact they forgot about all they all learned later down the line with the most atrocious levels I have ever seen.

For a game so highly regarded in general I expected far more. To clarify I wasn't expecting flashy cinematics nor great gameplay (but I sure wished for far less shooting segments) but a good writing with an interesting quest design. I will be honest as my playthrough was a bit rushed due to recommendations from other people the impression I got was that the quest design was absurdly linear and that the writing was more of "what if" for the cool factor than going into specific details about politics/history/warfare and even when there where those few quite intriguing moments of world building they were hardly relevant to the quite traditional plotline. While playing I was going to give it a 2.5/3 but the ION planet not only grabbed my attention and made me exhaust every dialogue option but also made me give a chance to the sequel.

(I will count both blood money and absolution as they cant be bought separately and there is only one currently in backloggd)
Basically just ports of the originals with tiny better graphics, great games all around (yes even absolution weird I know but contracts is my favorite so whatever) and at a low price I fully recommend them even if they are a bit lazy. I encountered some crashes which perturbed me for games so old but my ps4 has been having some issues so maybe thats the reason?

I started having more fun when I stopped seeing the game as a atmospheric and scary game and instead with a more arcade mindset which was bizarre but after seeing how people talk about the game, the trophies and the game modes it kinda fits. Not necessarily bad but doesn't feel right along silent hill, rule of roses or fatal frames which where my references. Kinda surprised the fanbase is divided after RE4 because it just seems as a natural progression to me but I admit im a bit too harsh on this game

This game helped and worsened my depression but at most important it made me feel better at the end
At first it was the only thing that motivated me to get out of bed, to eat and to sleep early so I could play it better the next day. The goals, the music and the gameplay all coincided in a way to make me feel cozy and happy and most importantly not useless. Sadly after that period of lifting me it was hard to fully go into the challenges of real life. I abandoned many of my irl duties because they felt tiring and the only space of comfort I had was this game. The only thing that wasn't enjoyable out of the whole experience was the social dynamics they made me felt empty, so artificial and gamey to a point not even persona reached. And the reason it made me sad was that I came to the game because I struggled with loneliness and losing the few people I felt kind of close but not enough to be friends and seeing how easy it was and how I could become best friends with everyone by just gifting without even bothering to help them or talk with them just...

It has cool visuals and
It is playable so it meets the qualifications for a game

This was surprisingly a way better experience that expected. The graphic were gorgeous, the story although a bit slow and convoluted at some points (what was that about world peace all about it made 0 sense) felt mostly good and for a pokemon game great, a bunch of other random things like music and atmosphere great too. The gameplay felt way easier specially on the boss fights than the first which even though it felt a bit annoying at points I still prefer over the first one. I know in theory it is a very simple game with not a lot of aspirations but the fact it is so well crafted and enjoyable plus the fact that contrary to the original one revisiting didn't just confirmed my theory that it was good but not that special but instead surpassed my expectations has made me consider it one of my favorite games.

Recently replayed it, im amazed a kid with no understanding of English and if I remember right didn't knew how to open the menus finished this but im glad I replayed nowadays. The story is actually interesting for a pokemon game, a little bit too brief and underdeveloped for my liking but as im seeing the sequel clearly solved that. The gameplay is actually really fun it feels a bit unfair at first but it lets you come with alternative methods to beat the bosses rather than depending on brute force and rng. I had quite a good time but is far from the deep and super long adventure my kid self remembered

Greatest issue is the slowdown in comparison with PC but for someone who prefers ps4 is an great port just like the sims 4 one